23 February 2013

The tea shop

We have our favourite tea shops here in Durham. Some we like for the choice of cake, some for the cozy sofas, some for the size. This was a new find. A new branch from one of our favourites. This is a tea shop that hasn't done away with table service. There is the promise of hot freshly baked scones and mis matched crockery.

It is a light airy place to chat in. The tea is cheap and a pot for two fills at least six cups. They also don't mind us halving scones or crumpets to save the pennies.

Part of me dreams of owning a tea shop like this, where the walls are white and the bunting waves in the breeze. I would love a room of mismatched chairs and tables, a wall of battered books that customers could borrow and a cozy nook by the fire where you could come and knit. The cakes would change each day and the tea would be plentiful.

Maybe. One day.

For now this tiny tea shop is a little slice of perfect.


  1. That sounds fabulous! Oh, I wish something like that was closer to me!

  2. What a lovely looking place. We dont have tea shops round here, we have costa, and greggs, closest is probably druckers, no quirks, no originality, just kinda nice in that plastic wrapped mass produced way that requires a lack of thinking & a limited taste pallet.

  3. Oh I wish we had a tea shop here - just have the big chain coffee shops though and none of them are as inviting as this. Your dream tea shop sounds wonderful!

  4. Please open that shop near to where I live, I promise I'd be a regular customer! That looks like a lovely place to spend an hour (or two).

  5. Booking my seat right now :). See that third photo from the bottom? That pattern is called Indian Tree, and my Mum and Dad used to have a set of it - one of their much prized possessions. We still have a lot of it. What a delicious way to spend an afternoon, and a lovely post.

  6. Perfect post for this dreary, cold and rainy afternoon we are having here. I can totally picture you owning a shop just as you describe :)

  7. There is nothing even close to this here, and I do wish there was. Love the photos!!

  8. Such pretty pictures - don't they make a lovely change from Starbucks and the rest!

  9. That is my favorite type of tea shop as well.
