15 March 2013

Doughnuts and Dreams

Two weeks ago my friend and I decided to go on a walk.

It was a Monday. I had just finished my killer of a three hour lecture. She had just had back to back lectures. We were both a tad stressed, she with a report, me with news that I had to write a new essay about data. ( I am not good at maths. When the lecturer started talking about standard deviation my mind drew a blank) 

We were sitting in her room both having a good rant when we looked at each other. "walk?" I asked. "yes" she said, grabbing her bag and keys and within five minutes we were pacing arm and arm down the cobbled street. 

We reached town and it was only at that point did we realise that we had no idea where we were headed. 

We turned to each other, the shop coming up on the right was Krispy Creme. "Doughnuts" we said. 

And that was how we ended up spending an hour on those green chairs. We finished the doughnuts in the first twenty minutes. We sat and talked about life about work about what we wanted for the future about dreams. We laughed together. We enjoyed an hour or so of spontaneous luxury in the middle of a busy few weeks.

It was good to sit there with a friend and just be. To share in food and words. Something so unplanned but so needed. 

Two women, laughing and sharing on the cusp of girlhood and adulthood.

This post is my 'simply a moment'. A beautiful meme from the lovely Alexa. Do stop by her blog and discover other bloggers moments. 


  1. Replies
    1. YES! Hannah! Thank you for commenting!

  2. I love that you thought of taking a relaxing walk when you were both stressed out. I am sure the time away from the pressure and those Krispy Kremes made it much more bearable when you returned.

  3. Three hour lecture? Eugh! I'm sure I'd need a comfort break in the middle of that lol

    A doughnut is probably my most favourite treat in the whole world. Even your lovely photo is enough to cheer!

  4. This is so fun, Abi. I'm glad to know that you had the presence of mind to get out and take a walk - and I'm sure the doughnuts helped too. Lovely photos as well!

  5. Awesome to take time out that was unplanned but well loved. You will feel better for it all week

  6. A great moment shared. I remember occasionally taking an afternoon off during school and wandering the shops outside my usual route. I always came back feeling refreshed.

  7. I love your moment,Abi....doughnuts....perfect.

  8. What a great way to share a moment. I hope you enjoyed your doughnuts too :0)

  9. Krispy kreme donuts - a whole shop? Oh how I wish I could eat one... sorry, got a bit distracted there. I love your moment but you will forgive me if I love the donuts more eh?

  10. Golly, I should think you did need to get moving after three hours of immobility, Abi! Glad the walk unfroze your mind and spirit too - donuts and a friend sounds a perfect antidiote :). Thank-you so much for joining in again this month, and for linking up. Lovely to see you!

  11. Ah...what a sweet -pun intended- way to spend time with a friend, especially after a rather long lecture. So enjoyed your moment. Thanks for sharing.


  12. Doughnuts and a walk - two great stress relievers! A beautifully written moment.

  13. Sounds a lovely break - doughnuts and a walk! Thanks for sharing your moment :)

  14. Oh cake and a cuppa always make the world right again :)

  15. A lovely moment, time with a friend, perfect.

  16. This is so lovely, a really precious moment of relaxation amongst lots of stress and pressure! Plus tea and doughnuts make everything better...fact! x

  17. What a lovely moment - time spent with friends is so very special and I am so glad to read how much you both enjoyed it. J x
