13 March 2013


I'm back from my blogging break! The break was so needed to get all the essays done and rather well timed as I came down with a bit of a rotten cold. It has been good to take the time off and relax. 

I'm glad to be back though and have a lot to post and catch up on...

I got really into Ben Howard last summer and find his music very easy, chilled relaxing stuff. Maybe because of when I first listened to it, I always associate these songs to Summer. With the snow back in Durham (what?!) I am playing this music in the hope that we will soon get Spring! 

So it has been a lot of text books the last two weeks. Not so much fun. Nor is the prospect of lugging this collection back up the hill to return them by Friday! 

I have been putting together a few different graphics/project life cards. Things that I use within my own work. Over the easter break I want to make some sort of uniformed set that will hopefully be available as a free download. 

These socks. They are just wonderful. They came in a tin can held together by a wooden peg. With each pair sold, another pair goes to someone who is homeless. Ethical fun songs. Win. 

These are the little things that I doing this month. What are you up to? 

Also, a quick question. I am on the look out for some good reads for the easter break. Are there any books you have recently read that you would recommend? 


  1. HOW EXCITING IS THIS? I have created a google account solely for the purposes of commenting on here... your blog will never be the same again! Yipeee! Ps. Unfortunately (me being me)i am unable to recommend some good reads. xxxxx

  2. ps. PLEASE don't go on another blogging break anytime soon!

  3. I think you need some easy reading, something you can relax with after all those essays. Something funny!

  4. I agree with Sian, something totally relaxing. Do you like mysteries? We love the Louise Penney series set in Quebec and the Maisie Dobb's mysteries (historical fiction from WWI on).

  5. Sorry you are under the weather :( and hope those socks keep you warm and cosy. I'd have thought something light too - Alexander McCall Smith might fit the bill? Get well soon and just keep going - not long till the Easter Break!

  6. A well deserved rest, I remember how I just wanted to play and be responsibility free on breaks so admire that you even want to pick up a book. Good song and great video, I had no idea what he was doing. Love that the cows are in it :)

  7. Glad the blogging break did you some good but sorry you caught a bad cold. Hope you are well on the mend and will soon be back to your old self. Now as for books personally I like the Patricia Cornwell books and Diana Gabaldon (I think I spelled it right).

  8. I started reading my book group book, Into the Beautiful North, but then my dog ate it! LOL!
