20 March 2013

Life right now according to instagram

I love working on my instagram posts. It is fun to collate so many pictures from the month. Moments that look small but have a lot of meaning, moments that were fleeting and moments that just had to be photographed.

I apologise in advance for those who have seen these both on my instagram feed and through project life. There will hopefully be some you haven't seen though!

So March...

Top row left to right: drooling over material in the market, bringing out the pumps for what I hoped was Spring, working and blogging my little mac has done well this month.

Middle row: hot chocolate with friends- a wednesday afternoon tradition, trying to keep healthy. You know that Spring like weather? Well it turned to snow just as quickly.

Bottom row: fun ethical socks, books, books, books, instagramming a Psalm or Proverb for each day of lent.

Top row: Enjoying the old buildings, the weather could not decided if it was spring or winter, walking in the cloisters.

Middle row: This was the amazing light pattern in the cathedral on a sunny day, enjoying time with these ladies, watching a friends concert in the cathedral-so magical.

bottom row: coming home, fun lights in the club, first creme egg of the year!

Phew! It is exciting at the moment to see more friends join instagram and more and more people use it to capture those little moments.

I read a great post the other day here about lifestyle photography. It summed up a lot of what I thought about taking photos of the everyday. Do check it out!

As usual if you want to follow me on instagram I am abibeach

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a delightfully eclectic collection - and who's going to argue with old building and a creme egg in one post: what a great combination!

  2. Love it as always Abi! Beautiful photos that give such a window into daily life...it's hard to believe that without phones and digital photography, these little things that are so important would probably never be captured! x

  3. I love these! It's so much fun to see the differences in how we handle instagram photos!
