19 March 2013

Project life week 11

I missed project life last week due to being ill. Rest assured that I have documented the week however didn't want to fill another post with project life spreads! 

So, on with week 11. I am going to be honest, there are times when I get to Sunday, look at project life and think "gosh, that's going to take some time". Once I get going though I love the process of choosing photos and words.

Not so many this week what with being ill. I am still doing an instagram a day in lent though so I had a few from that.
I also used some lovely close up ones of our cats that I took when I got back home.

My journalling this week focuses on my frustration with still being ill and how it effected my last week of term. I still maintain that I want to be honest in PL and whilst I only had a cold, I want to look back on this week and understand why there aren't many pictures etc!

I also wrote about how good it is to be home, my experience with bloglovin and finding a certain furry creature on my nice clean bed when I got in!

I used one of my own graphics in the top left of the first page. I love the semicircle effect and am thinking of replicating it again.

I also used one of my scanned stamps for the "still" card. I combined this with a wonderful script font I found and am so pleased with how that turned out.

On the bloglovin card I used some graphic tapes and attached them to the screenshot.

Anything else:
There are some things I keep coming back to because I have found they work well. One is adding journalling on a card and then attaching this to a photo as seen in the cathedral shot.

I am also giving my self more freedom to fill some slots with a pattern or just a filler card when I don't have enough photos or words!

Week 11 has come round quickly. I'm excited to see how this project progresses when I am at home for the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to read you have been feeling poorly and hope you are better now? And many congratulations on winning that photo competition - the black and white is very crisp :). I always enjoy seeing how you are making project life your own.
