5 March 2013

Project Life week 9

So I am late with PL this week as my lovely friend L reminds me. So L, this is for you! Thank you for reading the blog so much! 

I thought I would shake things up a bit this week and go through PL in sections. So first up...

This was one of those glorious weeks when I took lots of photos so I had a nice big selection to choose from. The weather was wonderful this week so I took myself off for a walk and grabbed some photos with the intention of using them in PL.
My instagramming in lent is also providing a phone photo a day so lots of choice!

These pages came together easily because as well as a lot of photos I had a lot of things I wanted to say. I wanted to do a little round up of the month, journal about the lovely socks my mum sent me in the post and record my feelings on my family coming up and visiting.

I am really enjoying using a set of watercolour brushes on my journaling cards. I also experimented with adding a white paint effect to the photo of the library. I love how this turned out and that it reflected something I would do with my photos if they were in paper form!

I put a few simple words around the photos of leaves on the first page. Again writing around objects is something I would do on paper so I chose to replicate it.

I have used this technique before but I split a photo across two pockets. I find this works well for landscapes or buildings. This view of Durham was perfect.

Anything else: 
I am still loving the colours of the seafoam kit. On photoshop I often adapt the journalling cards to match colours up. For instance the 'recorded' card was originally black writing but I switched it to the blue to tie in with the card next to it.

I made the pages separately again and always love that moment when I put them together. So much fun to see how the colours and photos will work together.

I liked adding a monthly calendar to my last week of january spread so thought I would replicate it here.

Phew! Week 9. Such a great project. So excited to see the pages all together.

* On a totally different note, I am focusing this week on getting all the essays done, deadlines met and birthdays of friends celebrated. I am therefore taking a bit of a blogging break until I am free enough to write coherently again! I will still be visiting your lovely blogs and commenting where possible. I am planning to be up and posting again by next wednesday! See you soon.*


  1. I love your layout---especially the 12 inch photo cut in half. I'm doing PL on a monthly basis. But, I do love the weekly format---just not enough hours in the day.

  2. Those socks look great,Abi.
    Good luck with all your deadlines.

  3. These pages are wonderful, Abi! I love the way the landscape photo is split.

  4. I like that you are so in control of your pages and often using your own techniques. It all comes together nicely.

  5. I especially like that little calendar with the snowdrops on it, and am always intrigued how you are making this very much your own.

  6. Those socks are amazing!! I want some!! As always, your pages look fab :) All the best with those deadlines! x

    PS I'm a big fan of Graze boxes. Tip: You might well find that if you don't order for a while, they give you a special offer to try to tempt you back ;)

  7. Love the look of this and the idea of including a calendar of the month on the last week. Those socks look super, course they are in my favourite colour combination. :) Good luck with getting the essays etc done during your break.

  8. I will persist in nagging you when your posts are not on time... it is vital to my weekly routine!x
