23 April 2013

A reminder and an invite

I'd love you to have tea with me. Whilst I would like to have the real kind with you I'm afraid the virtual is going to have to do.

On Saturday the 27th I am going to be sitting down with my cuppa and telling you what is going on in the merry world of Abi.

I would be delighted if you joined me for a mug or two and maybe even a slice of cake. You are very welcome just to listen but I am rather nosy so you are more than welcome to share the comes and goings of your life as we sit (virtually) together.

As usual I will add a linky to the end of my post so if you fancy sharing a cup of tea, a pot of coffee, a glass of wine or even something a bit stronger on your own blog, add it to the link and we can all pop by and say hello.

I am looking forward to our tea date. Hope you are too!

Last months tea post can be found here. I am planning to post this meme on the 27th of each month so there is a tad more continuity and you are a bit more pre-warned if you would like to join in! 


  1. Have you thought about doing it as a Google hangout? PS I've got the Bamboo Pen now, and I love it too :-)

    1. What's a google hangout Matt? So glad you like the pen, they are fun aren't they!

  2. Thanks for setting a set time. I love joining in and have a good idea for this month.

  3. I'm in again Abi! Lot's of things to tell you (and the world) ;)

  4. I shall try and remember, Abi!
    Alison xx

  5. I'm putting it on my calendar.

  6. Thank-you for the reminder, Abi, and I really do want to be able to join you this month :).
