22 April 2013

Life right now according to instagram

How I love this little tool. My phone is slowly dying so instagram is proving harder and harder to get working. I am determined though to record those little moments.

So here is what has been happening in the last month...

Top row left to right: The revision started, I had a play around with weaving, the cat decided the floor pillow was the best place to sleep.

Middle row: My brother forgot how to use a space hopper, we celebrated that Christ has risen, we made a fun easter cake.

Bottom row: A tea shop in library-love! Starting on a new project and homemade bread.

 Top row: The tape machine ate my Harry Potter tape! I waited at a lot of stations this month complete with my Mary Poppins carpet bag!

Middle row: Friends visited from Durham which was so lovely, I caught up with a very special friend from school and spent time with my favourite person.

Bottom row: I worked on a complicated project life, I made pom poms with a fork and finished the quilt!

That was the end of March and April! Phew! What has your month looked like?


  1. I love instagram, too. I just learned how to take photos from my regular photo roll and put them in instagram, which made me really happy.

  2. Ah...I just love Instagram!!! And I always enjoy your photos there, and here on your blog as well. I recently ordered a book from Shutterfly - they have a feature now that allows you to connect to Instagram and bring the photos in for the purpose of printing in a book. I used all of the Instagrams I took while on my trip to England. Can't wait to get it in the mail and see how they look in print!

    PS: LOVE your quilting tips in the previous post!
