5 April 2013


April. How did we get to April so quickly!? How have we still not come out of Winter? Big questions folks!

This is what has been hot the last month:

More of a recent find but I am really enjoying a few of the tracks on the new one republic album. Great easy listening music to play when quilting.

I have long been a fan of Gervase Phinn. His books focus on his work as a school inspector in the Yorkshire Dales. They are very funny and often very touching. Our local library is fulfilling my need for light humorous reading!

The quilt, more weaving and some more ideas for project life cards. I have been finding lots of inspiration recently in interior catalogues so have been scribbling some ideas and combinations down. I am excited to try out the new trend (well, what I think is a trend- I am never to sure of these things) of tribal prints. I am also planning new colour combinations. Hello to coral, cream and dark grey.

Stripes. Loving the stripes. And unfortunately still wearing the knitted jumpers. Although this was livened up with finding this great cable knit cardigan at half price. Yes John Lewis, people are still wanting to buy winter clothes.

What are you planning, reading, wearing or listening to this month?


  1. I am crocheting a baby blanket for my neighbours who are having a baby in a couple of weeks. Currently reading a book called Angelmaker, forget the author sorry. Planning to tidy my craft room enough that I am not embarrassed to photograph it to share on the blog and also some blog posts
    Love Jo xxx

  2. I'm more in a finishing mode than a planning mode right now - just a few weeks left in the term and a big scramble to get everything done.

  3. I am wearing sandals instead of boots, reading a book by Harlan Coben and planning a trip to Scotland for a wedding and to visit my family!
    Alison xx

  4. I've loved seeing your notebook! Planning to get ou some lighter clothes more in hope than anything else and reading about quantum energy for I need loads!
