7 April 2013

Storytelling Sunday- The doll with the chipped face.

She has sat on my book shelf as long as I can remember.
Somewhere along the line I must have been given her as a present but I don't recall it.

She hasn't really got a story.
Just that she has sat there as an ornament. When I was little I used to open her up and get all the little ladies out and line them up.

The joints squeaked back then when I opened them. Now she is very stiff to open and one little lady won't even come out.

I used to like peering at their faces and looking at the different expressions. It was never a toy to be played with for a long time. Just opened up, lined up and put back together again.

I don't think it is valuable. Her chipped face tells of a few hard knocks.

I like her though. I like her enigmatic expression and the fact that I can't remember where or when she came from.
She is just there. Gazing from my bookshelf.
She is precious.

Today I am joining in with the lovely Sian and her Storytelling Sunday. Pop on over to visit other bloggers and read their stories about precious things.


  1. I too have some Russian dolls which sit on my bookcase. They're not very old but I still love them. My lil friend Matthew who's 4 also loves them, he adores taking them apart and putting them back together. It must be therapeutic,
    Love Jo xxx

  2. I think they are gorgeous! There is another story about nesting dolls today - check out Susan's - and now I'm wondering is there something about them which especially appeals to scrapbookers. Maybe the unfurling, the revealing, the layers of story to peel back? Because these certainly do look precious to me! Thank Abi. I love them.

  3. I remember having some very similar....but can't remember what happened to them.

  4. My daughter had one of these, but like yours, I don't know where it came from! They are pretty though, aren't they?

  5. I love these Abi! Some of the children in my class did a project on Russia before Christmas and one girl brought in her nesting dolls. The others were fascinated (boys and girls!) and spent ages lining them up in order and then putting them back together. And they squeaked loudly at the joints too, like yours! Thanks for sharing :D Love the photos too by the way! xxx

  6. My sister-in-law is Russian so I have a lovely set just like yours. Mine too sit on a bookcase and have been played with over and over x

  7. Your nesting dolls are beautiful and so is your story. I love my nesting dolls, too!

  8. They look lovely all in a row! Those of us with older chipped faces call them "characterful" :).

  9. Oh how lovely - the story, the not caring where they came from and then the acceptance of the chip. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. They're beautiful! And you're so lucky to have had a set when you were younger. My story today was also about nesting dolls and how I waited a long time to finally get mine.

  11. they do look lovely, full of character!

  12. My daughters have nesting dolls and I remember always wanting some when I was a child! Lovely story.

  13. I like her too. I think her expression coincides with her sense of mystery. There is more to her than just her friends inside, I suspect.

  14. Thanks for sharing this! As I've read the stories this month, I was thinking that none of my dolls or toys from childhood had really survived, but indeed they have. I have a similar set on the bookshelf in our bedroom. They've been there so long I haven't thought much about them in years. You may see them pop up on the blog someday!

  15. I have always found these intriguing, and I have a few in my travel collection. I bought mine in Alaska, near the Russian border. Lovely photography today Abi!
    Thanks for sharing,

  16. My paternal grandmother had a set, which I loved to play with...I have no idea where she go them or where they eventually went!
    Alison xx

  17. More beautiful nesting dolls! what a treasure. Yours look so lovely.

  18. I love nesting dolls and yours is beautiful :)

  19. Everyone needs a nesting doll!! I bought one for each of my girls on a trip to Alaska a few years ago. You just reminded me that I need to take it off the shelf and "play" with it for a bit!

  20. I have nesting doll envy right now. Something I always wanted, I have no idea why, just...because. Now I would have to decide which of my five granddaughters I would give it to so perhaps it's a good thing I don't have a set

  21. I've always thought nesting dolls were kind of cool - and it's nice that she's just always been with you - no beginning to recall - just always there.

  22. They're lovely. I like that they've always been there. I have a set we got in St. Petersburg and they sit on top of my china cabinet. The big one is so hard to open though but we do open it up at times and spread them out.
