9 April 2013

Project Life- week 14

Oh hello week 14 and another project life spread- pretty photo heavy this week too! 

Photos: Not many instagram shots this week. I like the fact that in the holidays I will have more SLR photos where as in term time I will have more instagrams. I like the mix of the two and am deciding not to fuss over it. I wanted to include the quilt progress as well as some of my favourite photos from our family walk. I also got in one of my new favourite shots of my best friend and me.

Journalling: The pictures mostly spoke for themselves this week. I copied a bit of the blog post about quilting and added it directly to the photo as well as some journalling about our walk and my friends visit. There is also some journalling and a photo blurred out. Nothing private, just something I am working on to share on the blog at a later date.

I have done this several times before but I enjoyed writing directly onto a blurred photo again. I also used lots of my own handwriting again. Sometimes all a photo needs is a quick caption and I am loving that it adds a touch more "me" to the pages.

Anything else:
I edited and cropped the photo of my Mum and me and just knew that it had to be big. I think it makes a bit of a statement on the second page! I also cropped some photos into circles. I am not hugely convinced with the technique but am glad I gave it a try.

Another week down- this book is filling up fast!


  1. I can't believe you haven't included the picture of the family's knees ;-)

  2. Love this Abs! B-e-a-utiful picture of you and Mrs B xx

  3. I love the way you have created the bigger picture with the smaller ones. That's so neat!

  4. Love that photo of you and your mom!
