24 May 2013

Life right now according to instagram

Oh instagram. I am such a fan and I think I have converted several friends too! I am so ready though for my phone contract to finish and to upgrade to a phone with a slightly better quality camera. 

A fun instagram feature that has been added to the recent upgrade is that you can now tag photos. On your profile there is a section to see pictures you have been tagged in. I don't really know what I think about it to be honest because if I have had a photo taken of me I will tend to be following the person whose picture it is anyway. Have you used it? What do you think? 

Besides that, here is what has been happening in the last month....

Top row left to right: we bought a silly amount of chocolate for less than two pounds at the beginning of term, the sunsets this month have been wonderful, typically drinking lots of tea. 

Middle row: going on revision break walks, taking photos of blue skies as they are such a novelty and the loyalty card at the student cafe at church. 

Bottom row: blossom on the trees, eating the first ice cream of the year outside and fabric heaven. 

Top row: we got a bit bored whilst revising and decided to improve my friends hair instead, a green canopy, pretty pumps. 

Middle row: more skies, enjoying having flowers in my room and my favourite person on the way back from Church. 

Bottom row: doing a bit of crafting. I am so proud of this picture of milk being poured into my tea and the meeting of the sun and the clouds. 

Another busy month and so many fun pictures to capture it. 

A quick plug, on Monday 27th I am going to be sitting down, pouring a cuppa and sharing a bit of life again. If you would like to join me for tea please do, it would be great to see you. I will add a link like normal so we can all enjoy what you have to say! 


  1. It looks like a busy happy time even with plenty of work going on. TSO has a better phone than I do..can't wait for my contract to be up too

  2. You have lots of lovely friends :). And those bolts of fabric are glorious - is this more quilt making, or summer dress making? (Provided there IS any summer ...). I'm not up to speed on the tagging thing - I try to keep a low profile!

  3. such lovely pictures Abi, wish I'd had some cool ideas like yours when I was revising. Love seeing The Boy and doesn't he look super smart in his attire. Can't wait to see what the fabric will be used for,
    Jo xxx
    ps see you for tea on Monday xxx

  4. Great photos Abi! That picture of the tea and milk merging is AMAZING! xx

  5. I'm obsessed with Instagram and I love to see how others use it too :)

  6. I can only use instagram with my iPad so don't use it a lot and I still have over 2 years left on my BB contract. (: Love that sky & cloud picture.

  7. I do love Instagram, but somehow can't get myself in the habit of using it regularly. I always love these posts!
