27 May 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea...

Hey, it's great to see you on this bank holiday monday. I'm hoping its sunny with you? Would you like to stay for a cup of tea....

If I were meeting you today I would take you to the back garden in college. I would usher you to the picnic bench under the magnolia tree and we would smile at how nice the weather is and how good it is to finally feel comfortable sitting outside. If you were from warmer climes you would probably sit shivering and I would rush in and grab you a big quilt so you didn't get too chilly.

I would pass you the first cup of tea, or juice or maybe something stronger,  and we would put our heads together and enjoy this monthly meet up that seems to have become tradition now. I would ask you if you liked our little garden and I would laugh and comment that I don't really lead a conventional uni life! We would look up at the magnolia tree and I would tell you how it was so late to blossom but how lovely it is to look out of my window and see it.

I would moan that I have just one exam left and that I can't wait to be finished now. You would reminisce about your exams at school and university and I would be intrigued to hear about your experience of revision and staying motivated. I would confide in you that we have so much planned for June. That June is like a fun month in Durham. That we have a summer ball to look forward to as well as my college day and plenty of trips out of the city planned too. I would ask you what your summer plans were, if you were helping smaller people get through exams, if you were taking exams yourself or if you were just going to spend some time in the sun.

I would push the plate of biscuits towards you and as you bit into your first one I would excitedly tell you about the last weekend. That my friends from school came up and visited and we had a mini reunion. That I feel so blessed to have had such a happy time at school and that meeting up with these special people is always cause for celebration. I would ask you if you still stay in contact with school friends. I would tell you that I hope we do keep in contact and do keep meeting up. That from boarding we are all close and seeing each other again feels like no time has passed.

The sun would go behind the clouds and it would start to feel a bit cooler. I would check you were warm enough and then bring us round to the subject of crafting. I would laugh as I tell you that I have been so crafty in the last few weeks when I should be working but that I am not going to try and stem this sudden inspiration because it surely won't last! I would share with you my feelings about project life and tell you that I am going to be writing a post about it soon because there is lots I want to say. Leaning closer I would whisper conspiratorially that I am working on a scrapbook page. The first in about a year and I don't think it is quite ready to be shared just yet but that I am enjoying the process.

We would inevitably get onto talking about blogging. I would bemoan that I am eager to change a few things up with the background but blogger is really not cooperating at the moment and that it is being really frustrating. Do you have the same problem that effects can't be applied? I would also comment that I have read an re read a post from Rinda about pinning and photos and privacy and have found it so interesting. I would tell you with a laugh in my voice to go check it out.

We would smile at each other as the last dregs of tea were drained and as the last few biscuits were demolished. I would laugh and tell you not for the first time how quickly time seems to have gone chatting to you. How easy it is to share things and wonder out loud if this comes from naturally sharing our lives through our blogs. I would give you a hug and show you out onto the quaint cobbled street and make you promise to see me again in a month.

If we were sitting together in the sun now, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


  1. I would tell you that I was told I would fail my nursing course back in 1987 if I didn't study harder so I studied really hard. I went to all the revision classes 4 months early because I had had so much sick time my exams were deferred. I DID pass my exams and I am so glad I did. I would tell you I wish I had known back then all my sickness was Bipolar related so I could have been treated sooner but that God works on his own time frame and I should be grateful I am getting treatment now. I would tell you that I loved going to the ball and I always had so much fun. I love a bit of dressing up on occasions. I would ask what your dress will be like and if The Boy is going with you as your beau. I would ask how you are planning to spend your summer and hope that perhaps there might a little window of opportunity for us to meet up this time. I would tell you of my poor show over project life, still way behind I'm afraid and how I have completely changed tack since I started. I would invite you round to mine for tea and give you a big hug of luck for your final exam,
    Jo xxxxx

  2. I would be pestering you for advice on how to make a quilt as I've just ordered some fabric!
    I'd also tell you how my daughter was told that the best she could hope for in her Geography A level was an E and then she went on to get the highest mark that her teacher had ever seen in his years of teaching at that school. And how that gave her the extra confidence she needed to know that she would cope with university after all!
    And I would tell you how much seeing your photos make me want to visit Durham for a weekend!

  3. I would agree with you that reunions with old friends are a wonderful way to spend a weekend.

  4. Just you wait..the benefits of meeting up keep on coming :) Twenty or thirty years from now? You'll still be seeing each other!

    I think I might have to sit and have a little moan about the weather. It's hailstoning here!

  5. Just lovely to sit with you and catch up - and yes, I'd be saying (after 'How lovely to see you again!') how late everything is here too, but how beautiful your magnolia is and how lucky to have one outside your window. I might even share with you how my own DD wept when the cherry tree outside her window had to be chopped down as a condition of the mortgage, only two weeks are we moved in. And I'd tell you how much I'm looking forward to your Project Life post and your scrapbook page. And probably wanting to tuck a blanket in around YOU so you didn't catch cold and missal those wonderful June activities coming up!

  6. I'm another one who would be agreeing with you about meeting up with old friends...my three oldest friends are from my schooldays, and we still act like schoolgirls when we're together!
    Alison xx

  7. I would tell you how grogeous the tree is and how we still have 3 months before they appear here and that I know winter is coming to an end when the magnolias appear. I would tell you not to stress about uni too much, I feel you have the right vibe to get through the work and are doing ok. Thank you for the drink and 1 little biscuit to keep me going, so glad you ahve some fun things to look forward to, it will help with getting through the few tough weeks of study you have to get through first. Keep your chin up and look forward, oh and enjoy it along the way.

  8. Well, my very best friend and husband of 29 years is a friend from college. My son's Godparents are friends from graduate school. That magnolia tree is just lovely. I'm about to sit and pour out my heart over a cup of coffee to link up.

  9. I might need the blanket but I would love to sit in the sun and take photos of the magnolia tree with you. I'd also tell you about all the fabulous street art I saw last weekend and how it was quite difficult to photograph ... I struggle with exposure on overcast days and being in gloomy places!

  10. I would swoon over you having such a gorgeous tree right outside your room. I would reassure you that those special friendships formed in your youth can be carried throughout life but they do require nurturing. I would tell you that the end is in sight and I know all your June activities will be glorious. As I left I'd ask you to stop by my place on Thursday for a cuppa .... Southern style.

  11. ~sigh~ There's nothing like a nice cup of tea with you to sooth the soul, Abi. I love reading your pieces, and this one is especially sweet. I'd be one of the ones shivering in your cool climate, but I would be loving that beautiful magnolia tree.

  12. PS: I have a post up today for a virtual baby shower, and the whole time I was preparing it I felt like it was similar to having a cup of tea with you. I thought about linking up here, but it seemed like an awful lot to throw into one post, plus I didn't want to take away from the event for Cate's baby shower. Anyway, I was thinking of you, and I will just plan to have that cup of tea with you next month! ;o)

    1. Thank you for thinking of me Deb! No worries at all! I will look forward to next month! xx
