10 May 2013

Onwards and Upwards blog hop

Today I am joining in with the lovely Jennifer on her "onwards and upwards" themed blog hop. 

Hopes and Dreams.
When Jennifer gave the brief for the blog hope one of the things she suggested was hopes and dreams. 
I liked the sound of that because to be honest I have a lot of hopes, some are pretty rational and I hope fairly achievable. 
But some of my hopes and dreams are just plain fun and I thought it would be great to compile them into a list because you never know, one day one of these pipe dreams may just come true!

I would like to some day design a fabric line. In an ideal world for Cath Kidston (or is it just cath who designs them? who knows!) 

Open a craft store. With cake and lots of tea and a big table where we can craft together. 

Create a camera app. 

Earn money from blogging. I know. Pipe dreams I tell you! 

Write a book. I can't decide whether I am dreaming of being a novelist or making a craft book. 

Live in New York for a year. (This is a thoroughly romantic ideal because the truth of the matter is, I don't like big cities.) 

Make a piece of furniture from scratch. 

Go on a spontaneous holiday.

Do the artwork for an album recorded by a friend. 

Learn how to computer code and design my own website. 

Sell something on etsy. 

Become proficient at ballet. 

Learn how to cable knit. 

Renovate something. ( a building possibly not, but furniture maybe!) 

What are your fun pipe dreams? Or dreams that could be become a reality? 

Thank you for asking me to join in Jennifer! 

So this is the fun part...Jennifer is offering a chance to win a prize pack of scrapbooking goodies (Glitz Designs Color Me Happy and Simple Stories 24/7) if you comment on each of the blogs on the blog hop. Simply leave a comment and then head back to Jennifer's blog to let her know you have been all the way round. 

There is so much fun stuff going on over on her blog in the next few days so make sure you pop by and have a look. I am the last on the blog hop so click here to head back to Jennifer or start again if you are lost and confused! 


  1. Great dreams, Abi, and I think many, many of them can be achieved!

  2. I would have loved to be an opera singer but now I'd love to sing backing vocals for someone I love like Patrick Wolf or Rufus Wainwright or even The Feeling just say I once sang and recorded with musicians I admired ALOT. I can see you doing all of those things Abi especially with that wonderful man of yours,
    Jo xxx

  3. ooh, I love your dreams and think I would just share hose with you, fabric designer being my top one!

  4. I think a lot of your dreams could easily become a reality... a dream come true for me is having my wonderful hubby and children but I would love to travel with them to New York or share some other wonderful international sights and sounds with them xxx

  5. What a wonderful list! I have to think about my (pipe) dreams. At my age, I've achieved many of them but don't want to think I'm too old for new ones!
    Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!
    Happy Hopping,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can honestly say that everything that you listed is NOT beyond your reach. Go for it. And when you open that little craft shop, let me know. I'll be there.

    I Create Purty Thangs

  8. It's good to have aspirations both near and far, thanks for the inspiration

  9. You have some wonderful dreams there - I hope at least some of them come true for you - stunning photos too :o)

  10. Let me know when the craft shop opens,Abi.....it sounds just the type that I love.
    I think you'd be surprised how easy cable knitting is....I don't think you'd have any trouble with it.

    1. Wow what a great list ( I know I ahve been saying "wow" a lot on this blog hop!) I'll have to have a think what my dreams would be.. Along a simila line of though I was supposed to do a "30 things by age 30" list but I am fast running out of time for that!

  11. I have been thinking about 50 things to do before I am 50! So far I have done a firewalk & booked a weekend at a music festival. I may borrow some of your dreams.

  12. such a varity of things here that you'll have great fun achieving!

  13. Abi - just love your dreams! Some of yours could be mine as well (not all of them though!). I always wanted to write a book, but then I started scrapbooking instead LOL so writing a book is still on my list! Thanks for sharing these dreams of yours; very brave! x

  14. A wonderful list and I am sure that you will achieve some of these with your talent :)

  15. You never know what is around the corner! I have many similar dreams but I definitely would love to have a barn with a craft shop and lots of tea and cake and lots of different artisans making different things. Good luck with your list!

  16. A great list of dreams to work through. Good luck with achieving them.

  17. what a great list Abi. I could share some of these, good luck with achieving them and you have posted some beautiful photos.

  18. Love your list of dreams Abi! I definitely share some of these with you, including the one to open a craft shop with a big table! Also the one to make money blogging, I hope that's going to happen soon, so more of a goal than a dream for me. I'm working hard at it! I also want to write a book, I have written the first draft of a children's novel, but that was before I discovered Scrapbooking!

    I hope all the revision is going well! Thanks for joining in with my Onwards and Upwards Blog hop! x

  19. Good luck on crossing everything off your list !

  20. Love your list....good luck with achieving everything!!

  21. My dream is to open a cheap and cheerful cafe (it could even have a crafting annexe!)

  22. I like your list! I think I'd better get started on one!

  23. Abi I want you to come back to this post in five years time and tick off the many things I think that you will have achieved ... having a list is half the battle!

  24. Abi, this is such a lovely list and some of it is very similar to what would have been on my list at your age!! All I will say is "Follow your Dreams!!!" I did!! :) x

  25. What a fun list of dreams! It would make a great layout!

  26. I bet some of your "dreams" are totally achievable! You go girl!

  27. These sound fabulous, and it sounds kind of fun to write about hopes and dreams... I never scrapbook about myself, but this would make a great layout that I might just have to do! Thanks for the inspiration... and I have to admit I have a couple of the same dreams as you! :)

  28. That is a super list Abi and well worth printing out for your Project Life! You could always try for one a year :).
