8 May 2013

Project Life week 18

First up, thank you so much for your kind words about sweet Emmy cat. 

On a happier note, here is Project Life week 18. 

Except the blurred pins photo, all of the photos on this weeks spread are instagram photos. I read an interesting article today which was quite critical of instagram. Although there was lots in it that I agree with, I am still grateful for the ease of the app and its convenience. I mean this weeks project life spread would be pretty bare without it! I think I need to write a blog post about this! 

There were plenty of ice cream photos from this weekend. The sunny weather and revision breaks resulted in a lot of ice cream eaten! I also included photos of my weekend with the boy and those glorious blue skies this weekend. 

There weren't too many stories this week so lots of little notes on photos instead. I did document how much I am enjoying the arrival of Spring and some thoughts about April. That photo of the shoes on the second page was just crying out for journalling so I wrote about my time with the boy. 

Nothing too special this week to be honest. I added a paint effect background to that quote card to try and tie it in with the sea foam kit I am using. 

Anything else: 
This week was a fun challenge in that nearly all my pictures were taken in the space of the bank holiday weekend. I therefore used journalling on the first page to try and tell the story of the week. Generally I try and focus the left spread on the begging of the week and the right spread on the end of the week. Obviously this works in theory but not too often in practice! I try though! 

Still loving how this project is unfolding!


  1. Love your blog :-) x
    Did you realise your Mr T looks like James McAvoy?

    1. He he! A few people have said that! I have also had comments that he looks like Toby Maguire who plays spiderman! Or Harry potter!

  2. Such a great mix of lovely photos and thoughtful journaling. I always love having a look at your Project Life pages, Abi!

  3. HI Abi - I'm teetering on the edge of having a go at digi scrapping a Project Life pages, so thanks for sharing yours as they're a real inspiration!

  4. It looks good! I'm still trying to figure out how to share instagram photos on mine as they're all on the iPad and not on the computer - something new to learn.
