28 May 2013

Project life week 21

I love it when the weeks are busy and there is a lot to record. A bank holiday always helps too! 
This is what my week looked like...

I didn't plan it like this but the left hand spread is all instagram photos and the right side are photos from my big camera. I had to include that tea photo just because I am so chuffed I finally managed to capture it. The pictures on the right hand spread document the arrival of my school friends in Durham. I love having lots of photos to play around with on a spread. 

A few bits and bobs to document this week. I wanted to record how the exam had gone this past week and how I had found the week quite long. I also wanted to record how fun it was seeing everyone. Less journalling on wrap around tags this week and more little sentiments directly on photos. 

Still loving spreading a big photo across a few spaces. I also ran the three portraits through a new action. This black and white matte effect seems to be a bit of a thing at the moment and I quite like it. I often have a battle with how much I am going to edit photos on my spreads. My feeling is I want this to be a form of art so if editing a picture works I tend to go with it! 

Anything else: 
I have been using lots of Elise's sweet quote cards over the last few weeks and the one on the right hand page seemed to some my week up quite well with the spontaneous arrival of my friends.

Do stop by tomorrow when I am going to be sharing a few thoughts about project life, now that we are just a month off being half way through!

What did your bank holiday weekend look like?


  1. Your PL is just so inspiring, I love how you've cut the photo into 3 .... May just have to borrow that idea, if you don't mind

    1. Of course not Sandra! Thank you! xxx

  2. Oh I am a big fan of the way you printed and cropped your cup of tea photo. Awesome! And I love your black and whites too - I always forget to throw in a few b&w's.

  3. I used a b&w for the first time last week and I really like the effect within the whole spread. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts at the midway mark.
    Abi, would you mind also sharing how to get one photo across several masks please? I can do it, but I am sure there is an easier way than lining up the photo three times!

  4. Your cup of tea photo does indeed deserve a place of honour! I was wondering now many cups you had to make to capture this one ... :).
