4 June 2013

My fellow photographer

I am glad I found this girl at uni.
She is my fellow photographer. My SLR friend, my instagram buddy.
We aren't competitive but when it comes to number of photos instagrammed we are both trying to win!

On Sunday we walked up to one of my favourite places in Durham.
It is the most beautiful hill that overlooks the whole city. At the moment it is covered in flowers and it is just perfect.
We took the cameras up and came away with hundreds of photos.
I will share more later in the week but it made me laugh to see how many I had like this...

She is my mirror image. This is what I must look like. Camera to eye, getting down low, seeing the world through a lens and trying to capture its beauty.

I'm so glad she is my friend and loves her camera as much as I love mine, that she humours me about getting the "perfect" shot and can talk settings and lenses with me all afternoon.

Do you have a fellow photography lover in your life?

I'm a bit behind on commenting and catching up with all your lovely blogs. This weekend was quite busy but I am enjoying filling in the gaps of what I missed! 


  1. Yes I have a (very new) camera friend and it has made such a difference to me. I would love to be in that field!

  2. I don't have a camera friend....you are very lucky....most people I know just think I'm crazy to be taking so many photos.

  3. How super that you have a photography friend. None here unfortunately. That hill looks so nice with all those yellow flowers.

  4. This is such a lovely post Abi! I agree that it is really nice to have a photography friend who understands the need for tons of photos and could talk about the merits of a 50mm lens all day! I don't get to meet my camera friend all that often unfortunately, but people are just used to my need to take pictures by now! :D xx P.S. Warning: I will be taking LOTS of photos in London during the summer!

    1. woooh! I can't wait and i'm so sorry I haven't replied to your email yet- life has caught up with me but in the next few days one should be pinging your way! xxx

  5. The sky is just perfect, too! The first one is so beautiful that it could be an advert!

  6. A camera buddy sounds like a wonderful thing to have :)

  7. How wonderful to have a local friend with the same passion for photography. I can only imagine the inspiration and knowledge you gain from each other. All my camera buddies are online friends so it's a little different, but has still offered a great deal of information over the past few years. Such great photos in this post, and I smiled knowing that there are several of us who resemble the poses in these shots. :o)

  8. How very special to have Someoe who so closely,mirrors your own interests and with whom,you can share so much. Your photos are idyllic!
