2 June 2013

Storytelling Sunday- a precious place

I didn't have a precious for this storytelling Sunday. 
Most of my "precious" items are sitting at home on bookcases and in boxes. 
Instead I looked through my photos and this one taken just yesterday jumped out at me. 

I don't think I've ever been overly attached to one place.
There has never been a location I have become distinctly nostalgic for. Boarding school is perhaps the place I regard most fondly. I have moved house enough times to know that location isn't all that matters.

That said, if I ever was to view a location with rose tinted spectacles I think it would be Durham.
Funny that. Just one year and this place has become precious.
This funny little "city" high on the hill enclosed by river.
It's beautiful and characterful but I don't think I can pin point it's preciousness to that.

I think its precious because I have been so happy here.
I have found the best, funniest, sweetest people to share life with and next year share a house with.
Despite all my complaining about work, Durham represents the start of a a degree, the start of asking "big" academic questions. (or in my case, questions like what King we are now studying, having totally lost track of what was going on in the lecture. Don't ask.)

Durham is also the first place which I can call "mine". The first location that has no real connection to Mum or Dad or any other member of my family. It's the place I have chosen to set up a life in for three years.

It's also a place I chose, I prayed about, I put into God's hands and he was faithful in providing a church, friendship and peace.  That has to be counted as precious.

So yes, a bit mushy, and a tad cheesy but this funny little city has, out of the blue, become one of my precious things.

Today I am joining in with the lovely Sian and her Storytelling Sunday- pick your precious. Do pop over to visit other bloggers and read about their precious things.


  1. It's lovely to feel so settled and happy in a place.

  2. It certainly sounds very precious to you....and a lovely place.

  3. Anything can be precious to us, including a place :-) I am glad that you have found a place you are happy.

  4. That's a wonderful photograph of you Abi on the hillside overlooking beautiful Durham and how wonderful that you feel so at home there. Being at University is such a precious time and it is great that you are happy. You will never forget the experience.

  5. I am so happy that Durham has welcomed you into its heart. Your blog posts are full of love for this place and I am not at all surprised that you have chosen it for your precious this month.

  6. I love the emotion behind your words, there is something magical about your university town and leaving home, forging those friendships and finding your way on your own two feet.

  7. That's a really beautifully described unexpected gift your year has brought you; and it has been a privilege to share your discovery as the year has unfolded. a lovely post Abi. Thank you!

  8. What a wonderfully described set of feelings - so thankful that you have felt cherished and can cherish in return.

  9. Wow, first off that is a beautiful photo! And I think this is perfect for Storytelling Sunday - you've captured so well why this place has become precious for you & why God placed you there for these years!

  10. What a great way to interpret your "precious" for this month. I'm not surprised you love your town as you have such a positive attitude. It looks perfectly delightful to me---definitely a place I would like to visit!

  11. What a beautiful post (&story) Abi. And how wonderful to be able to feel like that about the place you live.

  12. lovely story Abi x
    Places certainly can be precious to us too.

  13. Oh Abi this is such a precious story. You are a wonderful story teller and I understand what you mean about putting it into God's hands and him guiding you to a church. The very same happened to me last year. You'll be safe in His hands. x

  14. How wonderful you feel so happy in your chosen place!

  15. Such a lovely tale of a precious place. Thanks for sharing Abi - the more of your tales I hear and photos I see of Durham, the more I want to visit! x

  16. How wonderful to feel like you belong - and are comfortable enough to daydream there (but let's not do that too much in class - wink!).

  17. I think it is wonderful that you feel that way about Durham. I hope that your next two years are as happy as your first has been x

  18. This is a perfect choice for the Precious post! I felt the same way about the university where I went to college. Fortunately, we don't live that far away, and I get back to visit several times a year.
