15 July 2013

Simply a moment

I am sitting outside at the weathered wooden table. Under the umbrella.
It is warm again today. Uncharacteristically we are all up before ten and I think it was because it was just so hot last night.
I'm not complaining though. I like this sunny weather although today is slightly more overcast.

There I go again, being British and talking about the weather.
Thinking about being British I ponder when the Royal Baby will be born and shake my head inwardly at how crazy the media is already going about it.

My laptop is out in front of me along with a cup of tea and my bible study notes. I like this summer routine of getting up, having a quick shower, making myself a big mug of tea and then setting up in the garden to do my quiet time.
After I finish my Bible reading I lean back in my chair and quickly browse through instagram. Not a lot is happening on there at this time of day. Most of my American friends are fast asleep.

Instead I take a take a large gulp of tea, pull my laptop closer towards me and fire up bloglovin.
Time for a fun romp through blog land. Sometimes my list of unread blogs is overwhelming however today there is only seventeen. I like stopping by my friends and reading what they are getting up to.

As the minutes slip happily by the boys come out in the garden and the twitter of the birds is accompanied by the "ping", "pong" of the table tennis game and their muffled shouts of exasperation and joy.

I like this summer weather (there I go again) when the doors are all open, the windows are flung wide and the garden becomes an extra room. The boys have now moved back inside and I hear their muffled voices floating out of the house.

The noise level increases as mum turns on the mixer in the kitchen.

I have nearly finished my blog reading now and the cat has curled itself around my ankles. My mum has come and joined me in the sun with her paper and a fresh mug of tea for me. Glorious.

I reflect that this is the best way to start a morning and then decide to write it down as my little moment for the month.

Today I am joining in with Alexa's beautiful meme, "Simply a Moment." Do stop by her blog to read both Alexa's words and other bloggers as they record their moments. 


  1. That sounds like such a perfect way to start the day,Abi.

  2. Although I am coming to this at the end of a day's work, I feel quite refreshed, Abi, reading your evocative description of your morning! It sounds very peaceful, and you sound happily grounded :). Thank-you very much for joining in this month and adding your lovely garden flowers to our collective moments!

  3. Wonderful, thanks for sharing your moment with us. Kim

  4. What a lovely glimpse of your morning, I too love these summer mornings where things are a little lazier and more relaxed (as Emily has finished her GCSEs and is on holiday we're in holiday mode). I love the bottom photo - great shot. x

  5. I've enjoyed your moment a great deal Abi and I particularly like your garden photo - love that perspective!

  6. As I'm sitting outside having a wander through blog land this morning your moment made me smile. Yes, it really is one of the best ways to start a day :) Thanks for sharing.

  7. Sounds like a beautiful way to start a day! It has been much too hot here and we are staying safely inside with the air conditioning. I miss the birds...

  8. What a lovely way to start your day! Recently I've had to hit the floor running, not nearly as pleasant.

  9. What a wonderful relaxing start to the day.

  10. What a lovely description of the start of your day Abi - and I smiled so much at your mention of we Brits and the weather - a perenial subject slose to all our hearts I suspect. Thanks for sharing your summer mornings routine - J x

  11. Perfect. I was there with you in the quiet, in the garden, in the sunshine. Weather watching is a great British past time, it unites us! ;) You 'sound' relaxed and happy. thank you for sharing your lovely moment.

  12. This sounds like my idea of a pretty much perfect morning Abi, a little slice of bliss! You describe it so beautifully and evocatively, I can really imagine being there with you in you garden. Love the pictures too! xxx

  13. Such a sweet post, Abi, and so lovely to read about how you enjoy beginning your day!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What a delicious way to start a summer moment.

  16. What an awesome moment. Well earned and greatly appreciated I would say.

  17. What a very peaceful mo ent!
    Alison xx

  18. What a glorious way to start the day, Abi!Glad ya'll are getting some true summer. Kate is in labor as I read this and I have already thought how irritated I am going to be if American news breaks into regular programming to announce the baby's gender. If the Queen has asked not to be awoken I think we can wait.

  19. Sounds like a great start to the day. Hope you have many more like it over your summer break x

  20. Thanks for sharing what sounds like an absolutely perfect way to start the day.

  21. What a beautiful start to the day Abi.
