17 July 2013

What i-phone apps do you use?

So a few weeks back I got an i-phone.
I am such a convert. I love the camera, I love the design and I love all the apps.

But there is the problem. I am totally overwhelmed by the choice of apps.
I have downloaded a few photography ones and some I love some not so much.
My favourite is "afterlight" for editing photos. I didn't really like "over" when I first started using it but its growing on me.

If you have an iphone, what apps do you use? Both creative and everyday and games.
Which apps would you not like to be without?
Which apps are worth spending money on?

Thanking you in advance from a rather overwhelmed iphone user!


  1. Now, I am a bit hopeless with the apps but I use
    'Camera plus' the photos are much better and it was free
    'Water my photo' because it is just fun
    'Photosynth' is fun, it stitches photos together but I am not very good at it.
    Pic stitch which makes lovely collages
    Instagram of course
    Try 'over' its £1.50p it puts text on photos
    I use a bird song app because I love to learn their songs
    'Brushes' is fun if you like to doodle.
    I use the note facility a lot.
    Google maps is a must
    My son is about your age he loves and uses
    Badland a fun little game,

    Flight crtl will drive you nuts

    Have fun x

  2. If I was picking just one it would have to be the Kindle app. It syncs with my Kindle at home, so I am never without my book. Great to be able to pick up your book right where you left off while standing in line somewhere.

  3. i've got way too many apps, might have an addiction issue ;).Anyway, for photo i use the most Camera +, Instagram, Collect, Squaready and BeautifulMess. Everyday life: Wunderlist (for to do list), Shazam (to help you find the name of a song).
    There are a LOT of awesome free app, so don't feel like you need to purchase a lot, unless you really want them!

  4. Too many...I'll have to send you screenshots :-)

  5. Instagram and Wonderful Mess are my faves. I also like InstapicFrames as you can make collages easily. I tend to just go for free apps to be honest.
    Whatsapp is a great alternative to texting and you can create groups and have group conversations. I use it more than ordinary texting to be honest!

  6. Oh there are just so many. I'm addicted to Instagram and so love beautiful mess and Rhonna designs. Also check out insta weather and overgram. Also project 365, BBC weather, & you tube. Have fun

  7. I just started using After Light which I like a lot. Instagram, HDR Foto, Diptic, PicTap,Go, Snapseed, and Perfectly Clear are photo apps I love. My favorite app of all is Paprika--a recipe app that I also use for my grocery list. We use Runkeeper to keep track of how far we walk, and I have Feedly and Audible on my phone as well. I have lots of other photo apps, and I'm trying to test them out this summer to see which ones are worth keeping on my phone. Have fun! Oh, and I take almost all of my photos with Camera+ which also is a decent editing app.

  8. Ohh, there is a question you'll get plenty of answers to! For photos, I love Snapseed because it does a superb job of good everyday editing as well as lots of vintage and grungy looks. Keynote, of course, for scrapbooking. Feedly for blogs and kindle for reading. Off to check out the Camera Plus app!

  9. Haha - well, I have a whole bunch of apps that sounded like good ideas at the time, but I always end up using the same few over and over!

    My absolute favorite is Instagram, and I really like A Beautiful Mess though I haven't used it as much as I thought I would. I have steered away from loading game apps because I am too easily pulled in. I've read so many friend's comments here and there saying the are totally addicted to Candy Crush - a good reason for me not to even load it to my phone!

  10. Hi Abi, thanks so much for this post, I am very new to 'i' devices with an iPad being what I use.

    The first app I downloaded was a weather one - I like weather watching!

    I have Feedly, google and google maps, gmail etc. I have two recipe apps which are local to here and our ABC news site.

    I have an excellent Tour de France app which is through the broadcast station here - it is the best of them all so far.

    I have Instagram and from this conversation today I have just downloaded Camera+ and Snapseed. I also downloaded PicTapGo as I use RadLab regularly and this seemed like a natural extension.

    Having said all that, I am not sure how much use the camera apps will get, I like to be using the new technology but the truth is I prefer and am comfortable using my desktop for the majority of photo editing.

    I view all of this as keeping up with what my kids will use. Already some of the local high schools here have all of their textbooks on iPads only ... no more book lists or even laptops and certainly no hard copies of anything! I wonder if anyone will be able to write in another 20 years!

  11. Candy Crush and Temple Run for games! :)
    Whatsapp is definitely worth spending 69p on.
    There's a bloglovin app - I don't use it that often but you can try it.
    I use the app from my bank (Santander) all the time to check my balance without having to go online. It's secure because you have to enter lots of passwords, like you would online, and if your phone is password protected as well then nobody will be able to access it anyway.
    I listen to Christian radio on the K-Love app when I'm doing cleaning or making lunch or that kind of thing.
    Also TripAdvisor.
    I guess look at the websites you go on and see if they have an app.

  12. I don't have an iphone myself, but Momento seems to be popular among friends as a diary app. Day One is another. Lots of creative apps such as Instaweather for adding place & Temp or Over for text & doodles. My friend uses Picframe with her ipad for putting multiple images on one print. A lot of others have already been mentioned, but I don't think I saw Rhonna Design which lots of scrapping friends like. Have fun choosing x

  13. Love, love, love instagram (but you do, too!).
    I think snapseed is the best photo editing app out there.
    Splice is great for making videos of your pictures.
    I love shazam for finding and keeping track of music I love
    bookcrawler is a great app for keeping track of books you have read or want to read
    I love posing app for when you need ideas of how to pose people in portraiture work
    Hope you like these,
