26 September 2014

The summertime scavenger hunt

This is my third year joining in with Rinda's photo hunt and it is always a joy.
I was less successful this year however for me the fun is in the hunt. I like keeping my eyes peeled for that illusive item (the juggler never made his appearance unfortunately!) and then remembering the stories that always come with each photo.

This year I managed to find:

A garden gnome. This cheeky chappy was sitting happily atop a pile of old garden furniture at the antique junk store.

Birds on a wire- in a different guise!

A group of tourists. These tourists were looking around Harvard and were following tradition of touching the shoe of the founder.

A rack of postcards

An urban street scene. 

A rural landscape. I had too many to choose from at the boys farm. A nice position to be in with the scavenger hunt!

A bakery

A photo bomb. My dad provided this one in Boston and then quite by chance I happened to be looking through photos from the summer and found him lurking again. He must practice...

A horn. Well technically a sousaphone.

A Mascot. I am really scraping the barrel here but we love bears in our house and so happen to have a bear costume which occasionally comes out!

A Sunrise. Seen flying back from the States.

A Parade.

A sign in a language other than english. Seen in the botanical gardens.

A lamp post. Again, an easy one to get but I loved these beautiful lampposts at Harvard.

A bus with a picture on it. My mum spotted this just before it turned the corner and I scrambled to get the shot.

Me and something representing the season. A photo of a photo of a tea party in the garden to celebrate my friends 21st. How British and summery is that!

Some things alluded me this year. I looked high and low for the juggler but clearly he was juggling somewhere else. I saw plenty of tattoos but never got up the courage to ask anyone for a photo and somehow I just seemed to miss a sign to my home town! You win some, you lose some!

Thank you for the time and effort you put into organising the scavenger hunt Rinda. A joy as always!
Rinda is hosting a link up today so grab a cup of tea and take a tour around the world to see what other people managed to find.

And speaking of tea, tomorrow I will be sitting down once more to chat over a brew! I would love you to join. More information can be found on the time for tea tab on the sidebar. 


Sian said...

I love the look of that bird on a wire..were you tempted to get one?

Nathalie said...

I love your selection (last one is my fave) and can not believe you have a mascot costume at home! That is very cute! It's fun to see your photos from the States when I used a lot of photos from England :)

scrappyjacky said...

What a great selection...love your take on birds on a wire....I found them elusive as well.

Anonymous said...

love your sign in a language other than English!!

Kirsty.A said...

Good collection - especially the sunrise. Did anyone see a juggler, I wonder?

Lesley G said...

How cool having your own bear costume - does the bear have a name?

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Even though I'm sad that the scavenger hunt is over, I'm always glad to see everyone's recap posts. You got some great shots - love the sunrise and the story behind it. And the photo of you is perfect for that prompt! :o)

This West London Life said...

Your find for birds on a wire was clever ~ that was a tricky one to get!

boysmum2 said...

Some great use of the item in some of your shots, well done, love the lateral thinking and the bear :)

Missus Wookie said...

Well done on the sunrise - I thought about that but was on the wrong side of the plane. That birds on a wire looks fun as well as practical.

KraftyKaren said...

Really fab selection

Karen said...

You found some great ones! The parade is perfect, and I love both the urban and rural landscapes. That bus is really one of the most interesting ones I've seen in the scavenger hunt posts.

glitterandglue said...

Some great shots here. Well done.
Margaret #18

Becky said...

I love your gnome - he is so cute!

Susanne said...

Oh well done on the hunting and snapping!

Anonymous said...

You have some great photos there Abi. And there's always next year to get the full house. I don't know about you but I tend to spot the previous years when I am hunting.