17 November 2014

Me on Monday

It was a lazing around halls, planning Christmas presents, charity shop hunting kind of a weekend.

It was a, lying in, essay writing, dissertation thinking weekend. A shopping for little gifts, getting too excited about cuddly toys, wrapping up a shoebox weekend. A planning, and thinking and hoping about PGCE's and next year and tests and work sort of weekend.

This week looks busy in the nicest way possible. A few visits from the boy, getting some more words down on paper, Christmas present shopping and sending that shoebox on its way. I love this time of year. The anticipation is so lovely. I am resisting the christmas music until December. It's a test of my self control....

If you are still curious about the shoebox, click here to find out more about the work of Operation Christmas Child. The idea is simple, fill a shoebox with stationary and toys and warm hats and gloves for a child who needs some love this Christmas. 

What does your week look like?

Thank you Sian, for inspiring me with your lovely meme.


Sian said...

That's such a nice picture.

I love making up shoe boxes. This year we are collecting for the crate of things to be shipped to Romania..the same kind if things: gloves, little toy cars toothpaste etc

Have a great week Abi!

debs14 said...

Sounds like things are getting a bit festive up there! Those shoeboxes are such a good idea and fun to pack.
Enjoy your week!

This West London Life said...

The Boy Child just sent off his Operation Christmas Child shoebox ... he's very excited to think that a boy similar in age will receive it, a boy who has nothing at all.
Have a great week!

Mel said...

Yes the shoe box appeal is such a good way to remember the true meaning of Christmas. PGCEs are you thinking primary or secondary? I am an English teacher at secondary school and most days I love it but now the pressure is so much and you are so accountable that you have to be really resilient not to crack!

Maggie said...

Have our items ready to go to school tomorrow for the class shoebox.

Maggie said...

Have our items ready to go to school tomorrow for the class shoebox.

Alison said...

Love the wrapping paper.....I am singing and dancing to Christmas music already!! Xx

Kirsty.A said...

Sounds busy - well done you

Missus Wookie said...

We always did shoe boxes when the kids were little - this year we're donating to a missionary friend's collection. She asked for monies to buy extras to fill in the boxes as when they arrive some need sorting and additions...

KraftyKaren said...

Looks like a fab weekend and I hope the charity shop visiting turned up some awesome bargains

alexa said...

Sounds like a nice mix of the anticipatory and the practical - I love the shoebox project too.

Albert Barkley said...
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doris sander said...

it sounds like you had the perfect mix of busyness and festivity! hope you're working through another great week!