29 April 2015

And I'm back

It's been a funny few weeks around here settling back into the final, final term.
The crowning glory of it all was handing in my dissertation yesterday.

All 14,003 words of it.
It's been a process, but one that i've enjoyed, strangely enough.

My sweet supervisor came to have a photo with us and then we all headed out for brunch together. I am so thankful for kind academics, and inspiring teachers. They really have made my degree so fun.

Now 'my baby' is out of the way, i'm hoping normal service on the blog will resume. I promise it won't be all about exams though, because goodness knows, that's all we seem to talk about around here at the moment. Bring on some real, crafty life!


  1. Congrats, you did it Abi! Well done you! Looking forward to your crafty life! x

  2. I bet that feels good. I think it's so important to find a little window of time in our every day life, for some creativity, however small.

  3. Well done and very best of luck with it!

    Yes, you definitely need "something nice to think about" as well as the exams, as my Mum always says

  4. Congratulations on completing your dissertation - it must be a relief to know that it's finished.

    It'll be good to hear about your crafting endeavours.

  5. That's a major accomplishment! How wonderful to have had a teacher who made the experience even better. Congrats!

  6. Very well done and yes, a few crafty treats are in order!

  7. PS: I loved your comment on FB about your supervisor being in his slippers!

  8. Phew! That must feel good!

  9. Wow, and well done! That's a chunky piece of work - no wonder you all look happy. I have very fond memories of my super-kind and caring lecturers and tutors too.

  10. Yay for all 14,003 words of it. I look forward to see what else you get up to now that you have more time.
