15 April 2015

Around here

It's been busy.
We've been soaking up the last days of Easter holiday and trying to get out in the sunshine as much as possible.
We headed out to a new to us, National Trust property with beautiful grounds.

And impressive architecture too.

We went on a long family walk up all the locks near Devizes. It is truly quite incredible. 

I think there are close to fifty locks, all up one hill! We were about half way up when I took this photo.

I took the camera on a workout. Don't you love that green door?! 

My brother made friends with a cow...

We celebrated this special lady's 21st in London. 

And headed to the icebar for drinks. It was definitely an experience although at the end of 45 mins I had to admit that I had paid to stand inside a freezer!  

It's been a busy few weeks. 
Tomorrow I head back up North to start my final term as an undergraduate! Where did the time go? 


  1. I must investigate the locks at Devizes ... Safe trip back to Durham!

  2. I live not far from Tyntesfield and visit it at least once a year. It is interesting to see the progression since the National Trust bought it. Hope you had a lovely day.

  3. Glad to read that you are making the most of that wonderful sunshine before you head up to the gloomy north (raining and 8C here!). You've really worked that camera (and your legs!)- super photos ...

  4. It's good to get the head up and head out into that sunshine!

    Yes: the green door is beautiful.

    Best of luck with your new term: how time has flown

  5. Looks like an amazing time

  6. Beautiful photos, as always! I love the locks and that castle! Good luck on your final term!!!

  7. Gorgeous photos, and what a lovely way to spend your holiday. It does seem like just yesterday that you began that journey!

  8. Lovely photos! Those locks are impressive! Good luck with the final semester!

  9. Sounds like a fab break. Enjoy you last term

  10. I love giving my camera a work out. The green door and the glass in the ice room are both terrific photographs.

  11. Gorgeous photos, I recognise those trees. It is lovely there isn't it. the locks at Devizes are on my list of places to go and after seeing your photo's I've moved them 'up my list' wishing you all the luck in the world for your last term as an undergrad.
