9 April 2015

One photo & Twenty words

Apologies for those who have seen this already on Instagram!

Taking my camera he said, "up you get" as we passed this tree. He knows I want photos before I've asked.

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 


  1. Lovely photo Abi - our nearest and dearest know us so well. We were out walking at the weekend and came across a tree with a huge hole in the trunk. Gracia's reaction was to immediately ask "Shall I get inside Mum, so you can take a photo!" Love that they so get us.

  2. It is a lovely photo Abi. Looks like you are both well suited. Good to see you taking some time out from all that studying.

  3. He's a keeper for sure ;) Love that photo, on IG or elsewhere!

  4. It's such a lovely picture! One for the mantelpiece :)

  5. And he's taken such a lovely photo.

  6. That's a lovely photo and you are totally rocking the wellies and floaty skirt (dress?) look!

  7. I love that photo, you can see the joy shining out of you. I love the boy for being a great photographer too
    Jo xxx

  8. I did see this on Instagram, but it makes an even better One-photo-and-twenty-words. Lovely.

    P.S. I was tempted to simply call your meme OPATW when writing the above - you know you've established something when people start wanting you write it as an acronym!

  9. What a man :). And a great shot of you too.

  10. What a great shot. I have one of my girl, in a very similar tree at Barrington Court, many years ago. She's not quite so eager to pose for photos these days!
    PS We've been to Fabricland today and I saw your stripy Coco fabric.

  11. Oh and he takes beautiful photos too! You look so happy!

  12. You two are just made for each other!

  13. it's lovely that he knows what you want - a great photo Abi x

  14. Great photo.
    How lovely that he knows you so well xxx

  15. Perfect! What a considerate guy!

  16. Lovely photo...and isn't it great when your nearest and dearest 'get' you! xx

  17. adorable photo! he's definitely a keeper!

  18. That's a lovely picture Abi :)
