25 June 2015


On Tuesday I graduated from Durham university. It was an incredibly special day, filled with lots of pomp and circumstance, a good deal of emotion and many many photos!
It was very surreal to be putting my gown and hood on and walking up to the Chancellor to receive my degree after three years. Where has the time gone?!

The day started with the collection of my gown and hood. One of the joys of receiving a BA from Durham is that I get a sizeable quantity of fur (or fluff as I prefer to call it!) on my hood. The hoods are different colours/amounts of fur dependant on what time of degree you are getting. It was great fun trying to spot the most outlandish costume there!

After I collected my robes we managed to capture a few family shots.

And then I headed into the castle, which just happens to be right next to the cathedral. One of the many joys of living and graduating on a world heritage site!

In the castle they lined us up in the order our names would be read out and then got us hyped up for the event. Several mexican waves later we were ready to process into the cathedral. This was one of my favourite moments because it felt so important and momentous with the sight of purple gowns ahead of us and the organ music from the cathedral itself. 

The graduation ceremony itself was long but we were kept on our toes waiting for our names and making sure not to trip up the step in our heels. 
Once we were officially graduated we all processed up the nave of the cathedral and out onto the green where I was met by all my friends, all waving cameras! 

It was quite an emotional time, especially celebrating with course mates who had been through the same work. 

It was also a lovely time to get photos with special lecturers. This lovely man was my dissertation supervisor. He is a real eccentric and such fun to be taught by. 

Before we finished for the day I had to make sure I got some photos by my college. 

And one with a very special man. 

What a day!  I am so thankful for this place, for what I have studied and the support from all sides that I have received whilst I have been here. 

It's been a good one. Now, onto the next chapter! 


  1. Congratulations Abi!
    That lovely post brought back so many happy memories of the day seven years ago when my daughter graduated at Durham. We've got very similar photos of her swooping round in the gown with the fur hood.
    My son graduated last Tuesday in Aberdeen ... much less formal, they had hats and no fluff!
    Wishing lots of happiness and success in all you do next x

  2. Congratulations! It's been such fun to share your uni years and I've also enjoyed talking to The Brainy One about your experience compared to his. Those gowns are rather special, aren't they? You look wonderful and so happy!
    PS: I'm planning on a weekend in Durham with TBO and The Boy Child within this next academic year ... TBO can relive his past and I can have a cuppa with you!

  3. What lovely photos and I can see it was a very special day. Your family must be very proud of you. I remember at my graduation being interested in all the different hoods that the staff had. Ours were very ordinary. It is a day you will always look back on. Congratulations!

  4. This is a wonderful post...such a special, happy occasion! Well done & good luck with the next chapter! And, I must say, your dress is really pretty.....& the fur is a gorgeous accessory!!!

  5. Congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment! Your parents must be so proud!! Can't wait to see what's ahead for you.

  6. So many congratulations! Where has the time gone indeed? I could cry almost thinking about it. But I won't because it looks like you had such a wonderful day. We are all proud!

  7. Congratulations,Abi....so well deserved....and it looks a wonderful ceremony.

  8. Congratulations! Looks like you had a wonderful day x

  9. looks like an amazing day and congrats on your degree xxx

  10. Brought a tear to my eye this post did! Congratulations Abi - your hard work has paid off. Looks like you had a fabulous day and the photos are perfect.

  11. Congratulations, all your hard work has paid off - looks like you had an amazing, unforgettable day.

  12. What a fabulous ending to your university experience! It's so wonderful that you had so many friends & family to celebrate with you. Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations Abi!...I smiled all the way through this post- I could feel your excitement jumping out of my IPad!! Sending lots of good wishes for the future xx

  14. Congratulations Abi, where have the last three years gone, I remember when you left school. Well done for all your hard work. You have some wonderful photos to cherish.

  15. Every one of the these photos is wonderful, Abi! So thrilled for you, and delighted that all that hard work has paid off. I can't believe you are graduating - it seems no time since you started, and I feel very privileged to have been allowed to share a bit of this part of your life through your blog. I am tearing up as type!

  16. What a wonderful collection of photos of an incredible day Abi. You look so beautiful. Congratulations again to you. Have a wonderful summer before starting on the next part of your amazing journey.

  17. Many congratulations,Abi! Very wonderful photos of a special day.

  18. Many congratulations. I know I'm months late - but better late than never.
