29 June 2015

This is what June looked like

June 2015. It will be up there as one of my favourite times. It has been a month of celebration, of results, of beach trips and balls. It has been a time of relaxing in the garden, long walks with friends, soaking up the glorious city and packing up to head home. 
It's been an end of an era month. A time to say goodbye to people who realistically I just don't know when I will see again. It has been a finishing off month, a time to clear out and throw away. It's been a month where I have wondered how I can possibly have that much stuff in my room that needs to be put into storage! 
June has also been a month where the big camera has had a wonderful workout. The more photos I take with it the more I realise I need to get it out more often. 

So here, in no real order, is what June looked like through my camera lens....

Thank you for all your sweet comments about my graduation on the last post. I feel like I travelled my uni adventure with most of you and it is wonderful to celebrate the completion of it with you too. 


  1. What a lovely recap. I think the last photo of your graduation robe/gown says it all :) ...Mary-Lou

  2. What a fabulous round up. It certainly is a time you will always look back on fondly.
    Now onto the next stage ...!

  3. Beautiful photos of a lovely time! So wonderful to have a record of it all.

  4. Just glorious, Abi! Your camera work is always a delight ... I envy how you know so much at such a young age!

  5. What great memories. I too have been falling in love with my DSLR again. It was lovely to spend your Uni life "with you". Look forward to seeing what the coming months bring xx

  6. Hope you enjoyed Beamish. Great shots x

  7. A really exciting month for you! Seaside trip, Graduation Day, College celebrations, parties, days out...
    And packing to go home.
    There must have been so many emotions in June.
    Congratulations on completing your degree and on the wonderful result - a First!
    On now, to new and exciting things!

  8. Great images of your exciting month. Many congratulations on your graduation. Here's to the next chapter.
