Here is an extract from the book:
"Every teacher of young children has a story to tell about the Christmas Nativity play. There was the time the Innkeeper, when asked if there was any room in the inn, answered, 'Plenty', and ushered the startled Holy Family inside; the occasion when Mary dropped Baby Jesus, immediately bursting into floods of tears as the large pink doll rolled off the stage; the time that the Archangel Gabriel informed Mary that he had tidings of great joy to bring but had completely forgotten what they were; and the memorable moment when the giant cardboard star, which had been suspended on a wire above the stage, fell on Joseph who, very much out of character, rubbed his head and exclaimed, 'Bloody 'ell!' Then there was the time when the little boy playing Joseph strode confidently onto the stage and asked the small figure in blue who was cradling her baby, 'And how's our Jesus been today, Mary?' 'He's been a right little so-and-so!' came the blunt reply."
If you want to read more check this out http://www.penguin.co.uk/UKExtract/0,,MTU1MDQxMDowOkEgV2F5bmUgaW4gYSBNYW5nZXI=,00.html
Thanks for reading
loves xxxxx
I was given this book for Christmas last year :-) It is sooo funny! And as a teacher, I recognise certain bits all too well....
Abi, we seem to have similar taste in books. I look forward to your next recommendation :-)
That's a cool book... Gervaise Phinn is fun. Did you ever see the "Borg Street Nativity" on TV? It's hilarious.
Dont forget to enter my giveaway - I'm offering a copy of Keri-Anne's book!
I love Gervaise Phinn! I come from a family of teachers so he really makes me laugh. See you on Monday for the blog train again
Ummm.. where's my brain? That would be "The Flint Street Nativity". Anyway, it was great!
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