Got home last night, fell into bed and this morning looked out of the window to see snow falling! Flip, isn't God awesome, could I have had a better welcome home present!? he he! My Daddy and I went out for our traditional christmas tree hunt. A load harder than last year. I know we are always later than most people in getting our tree, but the garden centre was literally all there was. A huge selection but also a huge price tag! thankfully the 25% off label cheered us up!
Anyway, a few piccys of decorating the tree...

The cat helped too! he he!
Thanks for reading, oh n yeah I will still blog over christmas!
Loves xxxxxx
Lovely pics :-) And so good of God to send you snow! ;-)
glad u got home safely. my 2 cats help set up as well as well as 2 little lads hoepfully coming here on Saturday. I've also had brill news about the flat so expect open inviyes for scraps and cupcakes madam
Jo xxxx
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