I recieved this book for christmas when I was ten from my Godparents and have loved it since then. It is the story of christmas told through Mary who is narating it to the young Jesus who she calles Yeshi. What makes it incredible for me, is the accuracy. It is illustrated beautifully and the images of Bethlehem are just wonderful. It is also very true to the Bible accounts with the three kings arriving two years after Jesus is born. It also includes Mary telling Jesus about the prophesy made by Simeon; that he will suffer many things.
To me what makes the book memorable is the illustrations, that really are incredible. It is also incredibly moving as we see Jesus in a new light, as a young boy discovering the story of his birth.

I would recomend this to any boy or girl aged about 5 years and up. It's one of those beautiful books you will have for life! For a review check out this site
So..on with the train to discover more books. Hop over to lizzie's blog to see what she has to show us..
Thanks for reading
Loves xxxxx
P.S If you get derailed on the train, the full list of ladies taking part is here:
Me, Lizzie, Mel, Jo, Amy, Kate and Sian (Thanks for joining ladies!)
oh what a lovely book this looks. will have to give it a go,
jo xx
This looks like a very lovely book. I haven't come across it before, but I think I would like to read it.
Thanks for the recommendation and for setting up the Blog Circle too! It's been fun!
I tweeted about it on Twitter, so we may get a few visitors that way too.
I don't know this book,but the illustrations look stunning.
Abi, this does sound absolutely lovely and, you are so right ... illustraions can make a great book magical. I will look out for this one for my two munchkins, they'd love it for sure ..... mmmmm, I could add it for next years presents - already found great Christmas books for this year.
Oh, I've never heard of this but it sounds great! Thanks for the recommendation :-)
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