27 February 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Hello, how good to see you again. It's bright and sunny and a bit blustery but doesn't it feel like Spring is on its way!

If I was meeting you now, I would lead you arm in arm again to another of our favourite coffee shops. I love the number of independent little places we have here and it is such a joy to show you them all. You are in for a real treat with this one.

I would march with you, heads down against the breeze up the steep cobbled street to the little cafe on the right. We would push open the red door and you would "ahhh" as you entered the sweet little place. I would smile with delight at your reaction. This place is full of artwork and it is a real feast for the eyes.

If you were with me now I would tell you I am ordering something special. A unique thing from this coffee shop. You would probably look at me puzzled but I would tell you to just wait and see. In the meantime I would ask you how you are, how has your week been? Mine has been surprisingly peaceful. I had a very busy, full on week a fortnight ago and because of that the subsequent weeks have been feeling very relaxed in comparison.  I would smile as I told you that the sun is a definite factor in my cheery and happy mood these last two weeks.

You would look up as the shop owner came over holding a big wooden board. He is a lovely man and would probably joke with you as he put the plate in front of us. It's called "pan ooh chocolate". A saucepan full of rich hot chocolate, a chocolate flake and a belgian waffle. Scrummy. As we started to dip the waffle into the pan I would tell you how I am looking forward to these last few weeks of term, that I can't quite believe that there are only three and a half weeks left! I would tell you that the promise of spring is making me so joyful, that and an imminent visit from the boy. Smiling I would ask what has made you happy this week. Often I find it can be the simple little things.

The hot chocolate would be getting dangerously low in the pan! I would look up laughing. We are enjoying this far too much! As usual the conversation would turn to crafts. I would tell you with excitement in my voice that there is a new wool shop in Durham. This could be very dangerous. It sells such lovely wool, really good quality stuff. Whispering I would tell you that I treated myself to some pale grey soft aran wool. I am hoping to knit this up into a pretty and light scarf to tide me through the blustery days. Do you knit? What projects are you working on at the moment?

We would lean back in our chairs, taking a break from all of that chocolate goodness. Speaking of art I would show you a new card I found. It is the work of Rob Ryan. He makes these beautiful and evocative paper cuttings. This was a cheap card but I couldn't bring myself to send it. It's so beautiful. I hope to make some form of a collection of these and maybe frame them one day. I like how whimsical they are. Do you have a favourite artist you look out for?

Ah look, there is a piece of waffle left, go on, you have it! Our conversation would move gently on to home life. I would ask you how you enjoyed half term? I always find it is a funny week. University doesn't have it (our terms are so short anyway) but lots of families come up and visit. It is nice in a way to be able to phone home easily in the day but I think I miss them more when I know they are all in the lounge watching the rugby. How are your housemates? You might ask and I would tell you that they are very well. On Saturday we went for a lovely walk. I will tell you more about it another time but I would mention, my eyes sparkling, that it is something I am looking forward to doing more as the days grow longer. We found a new walk along the river this weekend and the views were something else.

Here we go again, where has the time gone? The plate is empty, the hot chocolate has long disappeared! You look at your watch and I look at mine. We need to head off we know, but it was so good to sit in your company again and just chat. Thank you for taking the time to see me today.

We leave the warm comfort of the little coffee shop, back onto that cobbled road. I am heading right and you are heading left. We hug, my hand raised in goodbye. "Ill see you soon" I call "in just a month" you reply.

If you were having tea with me today, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


Prairie Jill said...

Oh, what a lovely visit! Your company and chocolate - a perfect combination! I loved seeing your joy - about the approach of spring, crafting, the beautiful place you live in. Can't wait to see you again next month!

Cosmic said...

Delightful company you are!


scrappyjacky said...

What a lovely cafe you've found....I'd love to be sharing that waffle and hot chocolate.

Susanne said...

What a lovely talk we've had. I too was recently reminded of how artwork can really make an impression on us. That card is stunning - he is indeed an artist. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Oh the chocolate and waffle sound perfect to me-The card is really pretty too- it would look great framed as you said-lovely :)

This West London Life said...

I absolutely want to visit that cafe! Thanks for taking me along vis cyberspace!

Kirsty.A said...

I have an hour before I need to take my daughter out, what better way to spend it than drinking hot chocolate with you

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Abi, you are just so sweet. I love the way you write these monthly posts and I always feel like I've actually been right there with you. Oh how I long for that chocolate and waffle! Carrie and I had a waffle with a raspberry syrup on it while we were in London - purchased it from a stand at Covent Garden and it was HEAVENLY! Thanks for the lovely visit, and I hope the sunshine continues and keeps your spirit lifted. xo

ally said...

Wow hot choc and waffles sound Devine. Great to catch up with you :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a lovely visit Abi. I'm glad to hear you've made it through the craziness and are looking forward to the end of your term. I'd tell you that Henry has just a few weeks left himself and then one last term before he finishes his first year of college. Time goes so fast!

Sian said...

...and someone leading me by the arm and into a lovely warm coffee shop would be just what I need right now, to get me out of the house!

I love Rob Ryan stuff :)

Yes, I'm sorry that we weren't able to go and make a half term visit to Scotland, but the other one doing more exams here couldn't be dragged away from her desk!

Karen said...

Another lovely visit, and oh that chocolate with the waffle sounds so delicious!

Beverly said...

That was delicious and your company has warmed me. it does seem as your terms fly. American universities have 16 week semesters with a week in the middle for spring break. The Pirate has this week packed with papers and midterms then heads off a on a week long road trip with friends. He'll graduate May 9th!! Please stop by for some coffee on Tuesday, I'd love to show you what I am working on ;)

Beverly said...

That was delicious and your company has warmed me. it does seem as your terms fly. American universities have 16 week semesters with a week in the middle for spring break. The Pirate has this week packed with papers and midterms then heads off a on a week long road trip with friends. He'll graduate May 9th!! Please stop by for some coffee on Tuesday, I'd love to show you what I am working on ;)

Lesley G said...

Lovely to sit down and "chat" with you. I hope to visit Durham soon and wondered what is the name of that lovely little coffee shop please?

Miriam said...

Abi, that was such a lovely visit and the hot chocolate, to die for. Thank you. Durham is such a beautiful place, I love how you love living there. I do like the card you found.

Sinead said...

Thank you so much for inviting me Abi - that coffee shop sounds so lovely, and as for the hot chocolate and waffles... YUM!!! I'm glad you've had a slightly calmer week this week, I could do with one! Things are hectic at school at the moment :) I just love that Rob Ryan card, so sweet. My half term was only 2 days, as the school want to keep the days until later in the year - so it flew by! Was nice to have the time to catch up with friends though. Hope to chat or have a Skype date soon :) xxx

Sinead said...

Thank you so much for inviting me Abi - that coffee shop sounds so lovely, and as for the hot chocolate and waffles... YUM!!! I'm glad you've had a slightly calmer week this week, I could do with one! Things are hectic at school at the moment :) I just love that Rob Ryan card, so sweet. My half term was only 2 days, as the school want to keep the days until later in the year - so it flew by! Was nice to have the time to catch up with friends though. Hope to chat or have a Skype date soon :) xxx

alexa said...

I am sorry to be so late and hope there'll be a little bit of chocolate and waffle left? Hoping the visit with The Boy was lovely, and so glad things are a bit calmer. The wool shop sounds like a great place to feast the eyes. Just throw in a bookshop too and I will be right over :).

Jane said...

I would certainly be browsing in that wool shop and would need a good walk after that feast xx

Theresa said...

chocolate, waffles, yarn shop, Durham. Ahhh, sounds like a great place to be. Thanks for hosting, I might get myself in order for next month, I've been a slacker lately!

Missus Wookie said...

I like those cards - there is a shop near here which sells them. There is a cafe attached but it doesn't do waffles - you've given me an urge to pull my waffle pan out. Princess would be delighted if I brought back some wool as well.