27 September 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Hello, come on in!
It feels only yesterday you were sitting here with me again.
I'm afraid we are dodging around children today as I am nannying for dear friends of ours. It's fun but tiring. Three pre-teen girls keep me in check that is for sure!

Can I get you a cup of tea? I think there may even be a shortbread in the tin too!

I would usher you to the table and like normal we would probably be chatting and laughing long before we reached the chairs.
You would ask me how my month has been and I would answer that it has been strange in many ways as September always is.
The family are back at work however the uni term hasn't begun yet so it a limbo time. Thankfully I have had some work and I have busied myself with some more sewing.
At the word sewing your eyes would light up and grinning I would tell you that I have really caught the dress making bug! I can't wait to share with you the tunic top I made however that is a post for another day!

Have a slice of cake, go on. It's freshly baked. What with this lovely autumnal weather coming in, it feels just right to sit in the warm kitchen with baked goods. Speaking of baking have you been watching the great british bake off? It's a favourite programme of mine. I know we are approaching those cosy evenings when The Bake Off and Downton are on TV.

Leaning back in my chair, hands cradling my mug I would tell you that although it has been a strange sort of month I have managed to catch up with a lot of good friends. One of my friends from Uni suffers from ME. She constantly amazes me in how much she manages to do and her upbeat attitude to the illness. To celebrate her 21st she asked that she didn't receive any presents but that we donated to ME research UK. She held the most gorgeous tea party and we all gorged ourselves on scrummy cakes! It was a lovely afternoon and over the last few weeks has managed to raise £1500 pounds which is a crazy total!

I would ask you if you have met up with friends recently? I am sure you have heard from a number of us of the blogging weekend we enjoyed. I also met up with my best friend from home this month and we had great fun with the new 'party party' app from a beautiful mess.
I love fun photo shoots and she is always willing to take them with me.
As I offered you the plate of cake again- you can never have too much- I would ask you if you use photo apps at all? Do you take photos with your phone in the first place? I take a lot however don't use too many edits. My favourite app to use is called pic tap go and has lovely soft filters.
I would admit to you though, if you didn't know already, that I am a big instagram fan! Do you use it much?

Listen to me chattering away. Tell me how you are? Are you excited for the cooler weather, what crafty projects are you working on? What has made you laugh this week?
My 'funny' this week was spending time with a two year old who when asked how old he was responded by saying "hi, I'm a big boy." Wonderful.

By now I would look at the clock and wonder out loud how the time has gone so fast. Slowly we would get up and move towards the door. I would hug you tightly and watch you walk back up the drive, my hand raised to wave goodbye.
Come again soon.

If you were having tea with me, what would you tell me?

f you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


ally said...

Hi abi, thanks for the tea and catch up. The only photo app I use is Instagram crafty project are the 4th and final part of my Halloween town xstitch project. And to catch up on my project life as I am a few months behind.

Jane said...

Sounds like you had a fun month Abi, I'm afraid I don't use a mobile much so don't know much about apps!!

Sian said...

What a fantastic fund raising total that is!

I'm definitely hoping for a peep of your tunic soon as I've been pinning dress patterns with the idea of pulling out the sewing machine and making some quilt squares and an outfit or two

This West London Life said...

Fantastic amount for a 32st gift! I'll be by again later with my own tea post.

This West London Life said...

Sorry, finger trouble ... 21st!!!

debs14 said...

Looking forward to seeing more about that tunic!
What an amazing amount to raise for your friend's 21st. We have two friends who have had ME for many years now, so know how horrible it can make you feel. I'm so pleased your friend has been able to enjoy her Uni life without it impacting too much.

Sandie said...

That's an amazing birthday fund-raising achievement. Well done all of you!

scrappyjacky said...

That's a great amount....and love your instagrams.

Rhona said...

Hi Abi, sounds like you've had a wonderful month. What a great fundraising effort, well done to all concerned. I have to say that Instagram is probably my favourite app and I like to check it each morning and evening. I like that it's just a quick scroll through and doesn't take too much time. You may have seen that I finished a quilt just before going to Chicago and while there I needed something to do with my hands so I've started a ripple blanket (following Attic24's pattern) which is growing quicker than I thought it would. Looking forward to starting some more sewing soon but haven't decided what yet. I really should catch up with PL first! Hope the coming month is a good one for you too.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a beautiful tea party spread and an amazing amount of money to raise. Looking forward to more on your tunic. Hoping to share some of my own sewing adventures next month too.

Susanne said...

Wow that party looks to be a success on every level - including total calories from sugar!! It's always good catching up with you Abi. Hope your October is just as fun-filled.

alexa said...

How especially lovely to be able to pop in for tea and read about your month, now that I know what your voice sounds like :). I feel as I am sitting right beside you ... You have lovely, thoughtful friends, don't you? I am afraid I am not an Instagram user, nor do I use much in the way of apps! I clearly need to get a life!