7 October 2012

The story of the biscuits in the post.

Once upon a time there was girl (woman? scary thought!) 
Exactly a week ago she packed up her belongings. The books, the quilts, the clothes, the mugs, the kitchen sink. 
She traveled a very long way north before arriving in a city on a hill. A city with a towering cathedral and a medieval castle. A city where they still sell hot bovril for 80p and where the locals still call you "pet". 

She started her life at Uni and loved it. 
She met lovely people and bonded over cups of tea and Downton Abbey. 
She explored the old city and decided that she definitely needed more jumpers. 
She took part in crazy traditions and college fun.

One day she got an email from the porter. She had a package. A parcel waiting in reception. Could she come and get it? 
The girl dropped her laptop (just an expression!) and galloped downstairs to find a large square box waiting. 
She had no idea who it was from. Several possibilities ran through her mind but she was left baffled. 
It was a heavy box. 
She raced it up to her bedroom and tore it open. Inside was another box and this box...

Was full of biscuits! 
She knew immediately who it was from. Her godparents have an awesome sense of humour and what better present for a uni student! 

This story is part of Sians Storytelling Sunday

Thank you for all your kind comments, Facebook messages, emails etc. I feel so blessed to have had so much support from my blog friends as I begin my new life at uni. Posts may be less frequent as I find my feet here but I have so much to share! Thanks for stopping by again after a bit of a break on my part!


scrappyjacky said...

It sounds like the perfect gift,Abi.....enjoy sharing them.
So glad you've settled in so well.

Irene said...

What lovely godparents and how exciting commencing this new journey in such a wonderful City. Enjoy student life... and the biscuits!

Missus Wookie said...

Sounds like the perfect gift and what a good taste in biscuits they have! Glad to hear that except for the need for more jumpers life is going well.

debs14 said...

You are going to be VERY popular with your flat mates! what a lovely thoughtful gift.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a wonderful thing to receive in the post! I wish you well on your journey through Uni life Abi. I shared photos today of another girl who was just beginning that journey herself! May you find friendships as good as long lasting as hers.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Glad to "see" you and hear you are settling well.

This West London Life said...

What a great gift!
BTW, The Brainy One is an alumni of your Uni ... long time ago, though!

Karen said...

Sounds like you've had a great beginning! Enjoy the biscuits, and your time with new friends.

Sian said...

What a lovely parcel! It's so very good to see and hear you sounding so happy and I'm absolutely delighted that you had a first student story for us today :) Let's hope it's the first of many!

Uncle Dave spent a year at Durham studying Chinese and the first thing I can remember posting him is a birthday cake

humel said...

Oh, perfect! What a lovely package to receive :) Glad to hear all is going well, and we look forward to further updates as and when you have a spare moment xx

Sinead said...

Fantastic story Abi, and such a lovely gift to get in the post! HobNobs...yum! So glad to hear you're enjoying university so far, Durham sounds like a lovely place. Looking forward to hearing lots more about your adventures soon xx

Lizzie said...

Amazing godparents! I love hobnobs biscuits (must put in a request with the Snacks Co-ordinator for our Bloggers' Weekend....).
I am so glad to hear you're loving Uni so far. I really hope you have an amazing time at uni and make loads of "for-ever" friends there too.
Looking forward to meeting you "for real" in March 2013... don't let them schedule an exam anywhere near the Weekend!!!

Ginger said...

good luck with your studies Abi and enjoy your Hobnobs! Look forward to hearing more of your tales :)

Jo said...

What a great story and what lovely godparents :)

Julie Kirk said...

It's good to hear you're settling in. And yes, we're used to needing extra jumpers up here, my wardrobe is practically 50% cardigan!

I'm sure those biscuits will see you through many hours of study in the coming months. :-)

Kirsty.A said...

So glad you'er having fun. Done any work yet?

JO SOWERBY said...

what better way to celebrate ur first week than with tea, hobnobs and Downton abbey,
Jo xxxx
ps. glad all is going swimmingly pet xxx ;) x

Rachel said...

ah yay! hope you are having a fantastic time, looking forward to hearing more x

furrypig said...

that is such a sweet gift! So pleased to see you are enjoying Uni life xxx

Unknown said...

What a great story and well done for joining in at such a busy time....I won't tell you about how I had to have wordprocessing lessons my first term as computers were so new, I am so envious of you starting out. Have fun.

Jennifer Grace said...

What a lovely present! That should keep you going for a while! x