8 May 2013

Sweet Emmy Cat

It's ironic that I read Amy's post only the other day about the sad loss of her dog and commented about how I had felt when our cat had appeared to go missing.

This is Emmy. She was the hunter of our two cats. She was the sort of cat that would only have cuddles if she chose to but when she did she wouldn't leave you alone. She would sit on your feet and warm them like a hot water bottle. We always called her the clever cat.

In the summer she went missing. For over a month. We assumed we had lost her for good before one day she turned up at our old house. Out of the blue she was back.

I spoke to Mum on the phone on Monday and just before we said goodbye she told me the sad news. That our sweet Emmy cat had been knocked over on the road. Thankfully she appeared not to have suffered but she had passed away.

I don't often talk about our pets on the blog but like Amy I didn't think it would feel like this. We knew we lived near a busy road and we knew that one of the cats being hit was a real possibility but still. I didn't think it would bring a lump to my throat the second time. The sweet cat really did use up all her nine lives and its hard to know that this time she won't come strolling in again.

Emmy cat. Very loved.


Amy said...

Oh Abi, I am so sorry to hear about Emmy Cat. These four legged friends of ours play such a big role in defining us as people .. well, I think they do and their loss is felt deeply.
We talk about our girl every day and even though it isn't the same without her, we are enjoying the tales and stories we can all remember.

Take care. Ax

Sian said...

I'm very sorry to hear this Abi x

Daphne said...

Aww - so sorry Abi! Emmy looks a bit like our Findus and it would break our heart when something happens to them :(

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh Abi, sending hugs your way. I think our ability to love and mourn our pets shows our humanity and connectedness with God. It sounds like Emmy had a full and satisfying life; that's all our pets every ask for.

debs14 said...

Oh what sad news Abi. I'm so sorry to hear it.

This West London Life said...

Such sad news; sending you a virtual hug.

Fay aka Beautifullily said...

So sad. Have lost 2 cats to road traffic and it's so upsetting. She'll always have a special place in your heart. Big hug x

Karen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Emmy. The moment I saw her photo, I remembered our only cat, Emily, who not only had a very similar name, but looked just like Emmy.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw, I hate to hear this! :o( So sorry about your little cat! xo

Sinead said...

Just catching up on blog posts Abi, and am very sorry to hear about your poor cat :( We too live near a busy road, so unfortunately have experienced a similar situation. It's hard! Sending hugs your way xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Abi, I'm so sorry to hear about Emmy. Hugs.

alexa said...

I am a bit behind, Abi, but very sad to read about your very pretty cat ... She was clearly much loved.

Lizzie said...

Just catching up a bit - and I'm so sorry about your little cat. I can sympathise, as we still miss Sherlock very much.
It is good to have lovely memories to think on and remember... Treasure that you will never lose. X