This can only mean one thing:

Back to school packing! Tuck bought, clothes washed, shoes polished etc etc. I am NOT looking forward to the journey tommorow! The normal two hour journey is expected to take 4! Bring on the i-pod and a lot of new songs! lol! school should be fun though cos we are allowed to wear casuals as it is so snowy and cold! I have an exam first morning back which is a bit of a downer but it's only modular so if all else fails I can do it again in the summer!
On a brighter note i have finished the knitted monkey!

isn't he cute! I had great fun making him and he was very easy!
Another thing i am really looking forward to is this: 
Larkrise to Candleford. I watched the last series avidly and can't wait for the new one on sunday! It should be brilliant.
Anyway back to school tommorow so blogging will take a bit of a backseat, I am still here though and comments are still welcome!
Thanks for stopping by
Loves xxxxxxxxx
hi abi,
I am so please u have finished the monkey. is it a he or she and was have you named he/she? I too love LRTC and have the books if you'd like to read it. it explains so much more about laura and her family before she even gets to candleford. I can post it to, no charge young student!!!!! I hope the journey back tomorrow isn't too bad. Enjoy your evening at home with the family and good luck for the exams.
Love Jo xxx
Ah, cutie-pie monkey! You did a good job of him - he's lovely!
I hope your journey back to school goes okay. J. was supposed to be back in school from last Tuesday, but in fact he only spent part of Tuesday there. They closed at 2:30pm and it was snowy for the rest of the week, so he's been home.
Your tuck looks yummy... I may have to stage a Highway Stick-up to rob you of it! (Now where did I put my black eye-mask and my bandit face-scarf....)
We read Lark Rise for one of my school exam texts. We also did the play for our school production the same year. I was helping with make-up and stuff. It was such fun! I consequently have a soft spot for the stories, but I did enjoy the book very much. I found it again recently, in a box of my books from the loft. Now it's back in a box, due to all the room-moving etc. When we have finished re-organising, it will be in the pine bookcase in the hall - then I will read it again!
Best of luck with your exams next week and I hope school is fun.
We have a similar pile of 'bits' appearing on our landing at home. Back to uni stuff for my son. And seeing it there and the bag getting fuller and fuller makes me feel sad :-( I am sure your mum feels the same. Just as we get used to you students being home you have to go back again. Roll on Easter! He's going back to exams too so you are not alone. Hope these modules go well for you, don't even think about re-takes! Have a safe journey and don't forget to blog when the teachers aren't looking ;-) PS love the monkey, does he/she have a name yet?!
Good luck with the new term! I hope the monkey will keep you good company.
Good luck with the new term! Very cute monkey. We love Larkrise too..Sunday evenings aren't the same without it
The monkey is indeed a cutie! :-) Good luck with that journey, and with that exam xx
Good luck with your exam Abi!
Keep warm - I love your monkey :-)
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