Hope you have all had fun playing in the snow. This post is for the January challenge at The studio. The challenge is to create a layout with 3 photos, using lots of white space and about something you fear.. if you haven't entered yet do cos it's great fun! Well..this is my layout: 
There is such a lot to say about this that I thought I would just take you through the story of making it...bare with me!
Story behind the photos: This page is about The boy and the serious amount of medication he takes because of his asthma. Honestly it scares me so bad. I have never had to take daily medication so seeing someone I love take several inhalers and pills each day is just out of my radar and as a result I freak over it far more than he does ( he is so laid back it's unreal!) journalling reads.."I think I am more scared of your asthma and mediaction than you are. I know you will be fine but seriously, 3 inhalers and pills each day freaks me out!"
To be honest I never, ever scrap with a lot of white space and when I started this layout i found out why...flip is it difficult?! So basically this layout could be how white space freaks me out! But..after serious juggling with page elements I came to this. I wanted to keep a minimal colour scheme and the pictures to stand out. Sorry they are such bad quality but cos of the snow there was no way the pics would arrive in the post n cos of going back to skl, this had to do! You know what I found the hardest? Getting the page to link. Cos of the huge amount of white space I had to make sure the Title looked like it belonged to embellishments hence the leaves and the paper at the top left. Looking at it now though I am really happy with how it turned out. I loved using a long title for once and I loved dabbling with the paint and ink!
I know the pics are awful so here they are how they were supposed to come out if the printer was working grrr....
Sorry but just looking at the amount of meds he takes freaks me out! This is the reason I try and stay away from him if I am ill (much as it annoys me!)
Sorry bit of a long post! Still lots of snow here which is making me happy! Enjoy your day, thanks for stopping by
Loves xxxxxxxxx
Oh Abi, I *love* it :-) Such an interesting thing to scrap, and a gorgeous layout xx
Wow - that's an amazing page!
aw abi, you really demonstrate your love for tim in this LO. It is such a simple concept taking medications everyday and especially for asthma when it can mean the difference between a great day or an asthma attack! i too take a ream of meds everyday to stop me going mad so i can empathise with how tim feels too...........you just get on, i'd hope if i ever met someone who fell in love with me they'd have half the feeling you have demonstrated here. by the way, on challenges, i have found a blog where you celebrate faith. it's here http://faith-sisters.blogspot.com/
they have wonderful scrappers, challenges and inspiration and it's all based around faith.
Love Jo xxxxx
This is a great layout, it makes such a change to see a serious subject tackled through scrapbooking.
Isn't it often the way that it's easier to cope with something that is happening to you rather than watch someone you love coping?
Hope back to school goes ok.
Abi, this is a fabulous layout! I know where you're coming from with the white space thing, because it's something I have found hard too. You have handled it with amazing skill, especially if it is the first of this type that you've done. I'm so impressed!
As for The Boy's meds, it can seem freaky-scary when someone has various pills and potions. My mum has lots... bleagh! I have asthma, but only take one inhaler am and pm, plus a "reliever" inhaler if I have an attack or am very wheezy/breathless. Mum needs several inhalers and pills, plus meds for assorted other stuff too... I've got used to it now, but it is a bit freaky!
Gorgeous page! You really have worked that white space beautifully..and the wonderful, honest journalling makes it perfect.
Fabulous page Abi! I love your use of white space, it works really well! Enjoy your snow ;-)
a wonderful page. thanks for sharing :0)
This is fabulous. I really love everything about it. The colour scheme is gorgeous.
Cool layout, love what you did with the letters.
This is an awesome layout . . .I love the frames and your layering!
Such a cool LO, my husband has diabetes, so know the feeling of watching someone you love have such a serious medical condition that effects them daily. Sometimes it bugs me and I hate what I have to change to balance him out but I wouldn't have it any other way
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