8 August 2013

Catching up

I got back from my holiday today to see this when I logged onto bloglovin.
I admit. I panicked. Three hundred unread posts!

I also have three project life spreads to complete as well as sharing some stories and photos from a glorious time in France.

So, some catching up me thinks! (although I think I am going to click the "mark all as read" button on bloglovin and start from square one again!)

Looking forward to blogging again and popping in to visit your slices of the web.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing your new PL spreads :)
Welcome back, hope you had a great holiday time in France !

Barbara Eads said...

I know what you mean about all of those posts. But I'm just so afraid that I'll miss something. I try to keep up when I'm out-of-town just so I don't have this many when I return. But, that's not always possible. Then I just go through them pretty fast and save the ones I want to actually read for a later time.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What a beautiful photo of you, Abi! I have really enjoyed following your Instagram photos of your lovely trip! Looking forward to hearing more about it here on your blog.

I'm a big fan of marking all of your unreads as read and moving forward. ;o)

This West London Life said...

Welcome home! I'm also declaring a blog amnesty. Lovely photo of you.

alexa said...

Welcome home and what a lovely photo! Yes, clicking the All Read is th only way forward if you ave been away :). Looking forward to seeing you post again when you have time.

alexa said...

Welcome home and what a lovely photo! Yes, clicking the All Read is th only way forward if you ave been away :). Looking forward to seeing you post again when you have time.

JO SOWERBY said...

So glad you had a wonderful time and I understand the fear of reading over 300 blogposts. Looking forward to catching up on all your news,
Jo xxx

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a lovely photograph and welcome back.

Sian said...

It's good to see you back :)

Sinead said...

Welcome home Abi. I know exactly how you feel! I had a similar number of unread posts when I got back from holidays, it's a bit overwhelming to say the least! LOVE the last photo of you :) x

Anonymous said...

Welcome back (a wee bit late, sorry). I'm always afraid I'll miss something so here I am slowly going through the backlog. :)