27 August 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea


It's so good to see you. It feels like only yesterday we were sitting down to share life over a pot of tea and here we are again, another month having flown by.

If you were with me now I would take you by the arm to our weathered garden table. It has been bank holiday weekend here in the UK and uncharacteristically for a national holiday the weather has been hot and sunny.

I would tell you that I am keen to enjoy this weather for as long as it lasts- which I don't think will be long- and ask if you will be warm enough if we sit out here. You would assure me that you are just fine so I would pull the tray towards me and pour the first steaming mug out of the big blue teapot.

We would sit there leaning back in our chairs, comfortable with each other as I started to tell you what had happened in the last month. I would start by saying that I am looking forward to Autumn. It has always been my favourite season, partly because my birthday is in September but also because I love the sense of anticipation of this season. Laughingly I would tell you that Autumn appeals to two sides of me, my nesting instinct and my craving of routine. I am not a huge winter fan but I see Autumn as the grace period before the horrible weather starts. The time to knit and sew and create warm and snuggly blankets ready for the snow. I also like the vibe that "back to school" brings. Autumn says organisation to me, fresh paper and new folders. After a lazy summer I need routine.
I would gaze up from my tea and ask you what your favourite season is?

Would you like a cookie? They are freshly baked and there is the choice of two. Peanut butter and chocolate or straight chocolate. Healthy you say? I don't think that exists with us. The more chocolate the better!

As you took your first cookie (yes I am anticipating more than one) I would talk to you about how my creativity seems to keep track with the seasons. That summer makes my creativity sleepy and lazy but now the cooler weather is drawing closer I feel myself drawn to more projects. I would tell you how excited I am to share some more simple DIY's I have made in the last week or so. That I am pondering carrying on the series I started this time last year called "the student makes". A series of DIY's on the cheap. I feel like my creative mojo is slowly seeping its way back it. I would ask you what you do when you feel creatively uninspired and you would probably share with me very wise tips from years of crafting and making.

How about another cup of tea? As I cradled by second mug in my hands I would tell you that August has been a busy, busy month. A month of good busy things but one of those months where I feel like I am on the go a lot. I would smile as I recounted the adventures I have had from going to France with the boy to visiting uni friends to catching up with long time school friends over a cup of tea. We would smile as we talked about friendship and I would tell you that I feel very blessed to have a life where I am surrounded by wonderful, funny and kind friends.

Speaking of friendship I would say with perhaps a hint of longing in my voice that I am eager to head back to Durham. I have another month yet but that nesting instinct is kicking in. My next project is to collect recipes from my mum and start practicing in the kitchen. I would look you in the eyes and tell you honestly that I am beyond excited to share a house with three of my closest friends but am also so intimidated by that big step into adulthood. What was your first house like? I would smile and ask you if you had any tips?

Doesn't time fly when we are together. The tea is turning cold now and there is definitely a bite in the air. I have been meaning to ask you a question. I have just had a good clear out and have a lot of scrapbook stuff, still in good condition, that I am thinking of selling on the blog very cheap. Do you think there would be much interest? I so value your opinion.

The clock would soon strike the hour and the clatter of plates in the kitchen would tell both of us that we would need to be off soon. As usual I would walk you to the gate and just before you left I would tell you, trying to conceal my pride that there is a big secret this month. I want to keep it a surprise but would wink and ask you to have look at the latest issue of jot magazine, when it is published, and see if you can see a familiar face.

On that note we would laugh and hug and say as we always do how good it is do life with one another.
I would thank you for coming and make you promise to come over again next month.

If you were meeting with me now, what would you tell me? 

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


debs14 said...

Thanks for tea a cookies! I'm so pleased we had chance for a catch up before you start all the preparations for your 2nd year at Uni. You're going to really enjoy being out of halls and in your own house and are so lucky to have found a great group of new friends.
I have joined it today too, but the linky doesn't seem to be up and running at the moment! I'll check back again later.

Miss Smith said...

Mmmm, cookies. You don't have to persuade me to have more than one; I usually need persuading that seven cookies is probably enough. I can't believe that it's been a month since you did this last - it seems like a few days but such a lot has happened. And summer's nearly over! But thanks for reminding me that there's still plenty to look forward to in the autumn. Kirsty xxx

Sandra said...

My second visit with you over tea and chocolate and ooohhh I could get used to it.

I'm the same as you, I lov summer but oh something so special about the nights drawing in, I wonder if its because I'm a September born too that it feels special. Mind you I adoe winter ... It's the clothes I think. Boots, jumpers and coats... Bliss :)

I have very special memories of our first home, it gave me the opportunity to play :) I did paint effects, up cycled furniture (all befor I knew it had a trendy name lol), made soft furnishings etc. I loved every bit of it, so enjoy it.

Amy said...

Abi, your photos always have such a gentleness to them :) Enjoy your first house with friends - it sounds as though you have a lovely group and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.

Sian said...

I would certainly love to be out enjoying your sunshine with you as ours has completely disappeared!

I would be wishing you all the very best with your packing for the new term and tell you that there is a big contingent from TTO's school heading your way. A couple doing English, I think, but quite a few doing Geology for some reason. Listen out for them!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely to read all your news. I remember the end of my first summer at home after leaving for uni. It was actually the last one I spent there. I missed my friends and my new life too much and only came back for a week long break after that. I'm also looking forward to Autumn and September is my birthday month too! I've enjoyed joining in today, but fear I may have rambled on too long myself!

Unknown said...

Many thanks for the catch up & tea. I have often thought that Autumn and in particular, September, should be the new year. I think the best part of surrendering Summer to Autumn is the evening light.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Hmmmm. . . chocolate/chocolate cookies for me, and I love summer. Sorry to see it coming to an end, but I think fall will be just fine, too.
I didn't move into my own house until much later in life, but I loved it when I did. I'm sure you will have a great time.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Hi Abi, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog post. I can't answer because you're a 'no reply' blogger. I tried your email link, but it won't open for me. I wondered if you mind emailing me, as I have a proposition for you!


Thank you x

Karen said...

LIke you, I loved autumn when I was a student and a teacher. I love beginnings, setting up a classroom, new paper goods, a fresh start. This year, I'm feeling very reluctant to let summer go although we do have some lovely plans for the fall. I always lived in the dorms in college, but I imagine you will have a fabulous year in the house with your friends! Thanks for the tea, cookies, and catch-up!

Sinead said...

Thanks so much for tea and cookies Abi, the more chocolate the better in my house too! I can't believe we're creeping into autumn and the summer has flown by so quickly! Wishing you lots of luck and happiness in your first house :) It definitely is a big transition but one I think you will love. And I am so very excited to see what the next issue of Jot magazine may have to hold! Thanks for the cuppa - now that we've shared a real cup of tea, it feels even more realistic sharing these blog posts. When you get set up in Durham, we should do tea via Skype if you're up for that!! xxx

Beverly said...

I have loved catching up with you, my blog reading has been somewhat sporadic :/ My favorite season is spring and I have always loved our hot, humid southern summers but we have had highs only in the mid 80s recently and it has been quite delightful. I think I shall have tea ready on Thursday, I need to make the Pirate some oatmeal raisin cookies for the weekend so you might as well get a few ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tea and cookies. I hope you enjoy your house.

Susanne said...

Chocolate cookies and chat - how lovely. One thing I will take away from today is to think of autumn as a grace period. You see, it is not at all my favorite season, but maybe it is not too late to change how I think about it. Thanks again for your hospitality, Abi.

Eileen T said...

It's my first visit with you and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks for inviting me.

Miriam said...

I loved my visit with you Abi, and the peanuts and chocolate are my favourite biscuit...ever. It will be such fun to set up your first home and yours will be so warm and cosy, I can tell. Heading over to Jot..I wonder what I will find. Thank you for tea, sys.

This West London Life said...

Loved my visit with you, Abi! You don't want to know about my first house share ... the bathroom came through the lounge ceiling! (I was about your age and a few hundred miles from home.)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hi Abi ~ Thanks for the tea and cookies! :o) It's so exciting that you'll be sharing a house this year at Uni. You will LOVE it! I'm thinking back to my first house and the mouse that was in it. Ew! Hope you don't have any of those...

I can't wait for the next issue of Jot now... :o)!!!

Carrie said...

Hi Abi, my first visit with you - thanks for the tea and cookies and even more important, thank you for the chance to have a catching up session!
I hope you enjoy your new house – I have some truly wonderful memories of late, late nights with friends, curled up in our far-too-small lounge, at the house I shared during my second year at Uni... have fun!

Emdem said...

Hi Abi, :) thank you very much for the invitation, I joined in this month. My favourite season is also autumn! It is the perfect transition between warm and cold, cool, pretty and mostly colourful! Before it gets too cold...! Oh I love autumn! :)) You were born in the perfect season! Moving in (esp. with your best friends!) was the one of the best experiences I ever had! Cookies and muffins almost every night while working on our assignments, followed by games afterwards! :D Have fun with yours! Mutual budgeting will be exciting if you decide to cook together, also, who washes the dishes, who take out the trash! Oh, promise me you'll make the most of it! :D Good luck!