16 August 2013

Simply a moment

I'm sitting at my desk and the late afternoon sun is pouring through the window.
I look out and the sun beams are streaked with the oncoming black clouds. Rain is on the way.
My hands itch for the bag at my feet.

It's the same every year once I come back from holiday. I wind down, start nesting, getting ready for a new year of sorts. It used to be the new school year. I'm not used to a year starting in October.

As I sit there the bright sun reminds me of Autumn, my favourite season and again my hands are itching to get into that bag under the desk.

What's the harm I think. Follow what you love I say to myself.
So, even though it's the middle of August I reach down. My hands fiddle with the balls of wool discarded at the end of the long winter of 2012. I know what I am looking for. That cream yarn that is soft to the touch and easy to knit with.

Before I know it I have walked to the glass jar on the bookshelf and taken out the metal needles. I know what I am going to knit. Something simple and textured.

And so I begin. It feels good to slowly work my way back into this seasonal craft. Time passes quickly as the rhythmical pattern of the needles beats time to the "purl one knit one" mantra in my head.

The chatter of sound reaches me from downstairs. I look up at the clock and laugh to see half an hour has gone. I put down my needles and fold up my work. Enough for today. Take it slow I tell myself. You have all Autumn and Winter to work piece by piece, bit by bit. I have to learn this craft again, learn it's patterns and learn that it can't be finished in one sitting.

Autumn. The season of textiles. My favourite. In this moment I enjoyed it in August.

Today I am joining in with Alexa's beautiful meme, "Simply a Moment." Do stop by her blog to read both Alexa's words and other bloggers as they record their moments. 


Amy said...

Your knitting is so lovely and neat Abi ... I say this because TSYO is learning to knit and it is filled with holes and dropped stitches and one end is jammed tight and the other is very loose!

alexa said...

Those soft creamy textures are making me swoon, Abi ... How lovely to have an autumnal moment in August! (though I saw leaves changing colour this morning, and sense the late summer-autmunal cusp up here already). Thank-you for contributing this month again and sharing your beautiful photography :).

Sian said...

I definitely feel what you are saying here! I got my knitting out this week too, because the nights are drawing in..

Anonymous said...

OOOh, reading your post almost makes me want to try again and learn how to knit :).
Lovely knit, what is it going to be ?

This West London Life said...

A beautifully described moment.

debs14 said...

That moss stitch is so pretty. I can easily understand how an hour passed unnoticed!
I spent quite a while looking at wool this morning in Hobbycraft and then gave myself a mental shake and reminded myself I was only in there for 2 reels of thread for my quilt!

scrappyjacky said...

You're making me yearn for my knitting!!

Unknown said...

reading this post put me in the mood of knitting!!! I'm just waiting that my baby sleeps again to begin a new pullover for her...

Sinead said...

Beautiful knitting and writing Abi, you're making me crave my crochet hook and some wool and curling up with some craft. I love it!

Miriam said...

What a beautiful moment and your knitting is so neat and soft looking. I bought wool this afternoon!

Jen said...

Beautifully written Abi - and love that moss stitch pattern - I look forewad to seeing the finished item. I too sense a change in the seasons - there is a definite feel of autumn in the air. Thank you. J x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Very nice, Abi - your words, the story, and the knitted piece. I look forward to seeing what your final project looks like, and it was really nice to enjoy an Autumn moment. It's 43 degrees in Arizona this afternoon!

Missus Wookie said...

Princess has been knitting just lately - definitiely a form of meditation to get lost in the movement of needles.

Alison said...

You have reminded me that I have some wool and a pattern for a felted bag in a cupboard...though it's still too hot ffor knitting here!
Alison xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful. One of my best friend knits, and she only knits in the Winter.

Becky said...

Beautifully written and knitted! I love to knit in the autumn too, but won't be this year due to bad tennis elbow - will have to take up something else! Enjoy your knitting :D

Anonymous said...

Lovely post and beautiful stitches - they're so nice and even. You've got me wanting to take up my needles again. Looking forward to seeing what the finished project looks like.