This morning I woke up at 6.30 because I had a rowing regatta to get too! Not such a good start to a saturday!LOL!
Plus side was that I thought it would rain today, prayed hard that it wouldn't and we have had sun for basically all the day. God truly works miracles!!!
So... we arrived at a very british regatta with plenty of tents, chairs, bbq and generally a good atmosphere..
We then rigged up the boats (rowing lingo for putting the boats together after being on the trailer, in case u were wondering!) and put our blades (oars) down by the bank. Along with hundreds of others...
We waited for our race for what felt like hours! A nice chance to watch the beautiful river and get out those milky white feet! he he! 
Sadly we didn't win the race but it was great experience. We spent the next few hours watching the boats go by and cheering on our other crews. ( don't you love those socks?!)

Some of the girls did win...
And finally got their burgers which they had been waiting for all day!
We stayed late, enjoying the atmosphere of a proper british day in the country..

And headed home for fish and chips as the rain started to set in.
What was your day like? Hope everyone has a brilliant bank holiday!

Loves xxxx
sorry u didnt win but glad the weather stayed good for u. looks like u were on the thames somewhere. hope the fish and chips worked there miracles and u enjoy the rest of the BH. Ive got lil peeps coming to visit today and cupcakes and coffee sponge are the order of the day
Jo xxxxx
I spent Bank Holiday Saturday at a crop where Shimelle was the teacher! How good is that?!
Sorry to hear you didn't win, but looks like you had a good day anyway. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your day Abi, really interesting :-) I had fun catching up with friends, trying out a new recipe and doing a bit of scrapping yesterday! xx
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