2. Fold both the corners up to the middle to make a diamond shape.
As you can see from the picture, there will be a whole in the middle of the flower, so I placed this pom pom wire in it to give it a festive feel.
Also remember that because of the way it is folded, both sides of the paper you use can be seen. Double sided paper therefore works beautifully!
Hope this is helpful. Any questions please comment, would love to know what you think. Also go check out the website as the tutorial there is very good!
Have a lovely saturday Loves xxxxxx
now doesn't this just appeal to your inner artyness?? It is so beautiful and ambiguous. Hopefully I am going to use some of her work and illustrate my own photographs. Please go check out more of her work because honestly it is so lovely I would love to put it all on here! www.alicefletcher.co.uk
The sneaky preview... A few posts ago I showed a picture of paper flower that I made.. The instructions are coming at the weekend but in the mean time...
You will need. Plenty of this: and several of these:
Anyway. Bed Time now. I have had a shattering week and Friday is always my worst day just because of the crazy number of things I have going on!
Thanks for reading
Loves xxxxx
hmm. started young I guess! Lol!
So sorry seriously tied up with coursework at the mo for two differnt english teachers so posting is now at the bare minimum! This weekend. I PROMISE I will share how to make the flowers!
Thanks for looking
Loves xxxxx
So, following on from this I guess i have to give you seven random things about moi!
1. I go to a proper English Boarding school
2. No I don't have an owl but I do have a trunk and a tuck box.
3. I have lived in the Falkland Islands
4. I have loved the colour purple from the age of three
5. I am grade 8 ish on the piano and grade 7 on the flute
6. I HATE moths but I love spiders
7. I am an avid Simon and Garfunkel listener! Lol!
anyway off to bed now! more soon!
Thanks for looking loves xxxxxxx
taken with a Nikon D40 and edited in photoshop. And secondly a scrapbook page..
Thanks so much for visitng
Abi xxxx
Please go check her out and her stories. The one that is making me running for my gesso is this...She found an address book lying on the ground. After photocopying it, she sent it back to the owner who's name was in the back. She then contacted the people in it asking them questions about the owner, so as to build up a picture of their life. She did all this through photographs. Now although that is now probs known as a breach of someones privacy. isn't it strangely romantic and so brilliantly scrapbooky??? If you are still interested look up her story of "The shadow"
Well...how does this relate to me? The School is holding an old book sale including some beautiful hardback french books and I have taken loads of pictures of my childhood. Bring on the paint! I am hoping to make some sort of art journal capturing my childhood memories. The picture below is one I have taken in response to her work. My life in Objects..
Anyway, a very long post, but hope it will be of some interest. I will try and post art journal pictures as and when.
Thanks so much for reading