This week has been so busy it's insane. Honestly, it feels like I have been back at school for a month not just a week! Exams are just around the corner and boy do we know it! The work has seriously taken a sharp turn upwards and after waking up at 8.30 this morning just to finish an essay for the next day I am starting to feel worried. We had an RS mock exam on thursday which went pretty well, i just feel i need to get a better essay structure so that means practice, practice, practice! ahhhhh! Also to pile it all on, prefect interviews start soon eeeeeeek!
Anyway enough of my rambling, a few pics to share. I am making a film in photography for my final piece, it is based on water but has lots of text etc and several stills so here are a few I am going to use...

All of these were taken in France on rowing camp! Kinda useful, a lot of water about Lol! Anyway, have to go and do some flute practice! ahhh I am faaarrr to busy! Thanks for stopping by!
Loves xxxxxxxxxxxx