27 September 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea


It's so good to see you. Come in out of the cold, yes it is cold, it's the north! 
This is our student home and we are so excited to be here. 

If you were meeting me now I would usher you into our lounge. We have two squidgy sofas and a lovely wooden table. Take your pick. Would you like tea? The kettle is on and we have lovely eclectic collection of mugs to choose from.

I have lots to catch you up on. As you took your first swig of tea I would offer you a slice of birthday cake and dive into my news. As of yesterday I am settled into my first little house. It is very sweet and a bit quirky. You would probably laugh and tell me that all student houses are like that! I would tell you that I have a little attic room at the top of the house and I am enjoying the challenge of decorating it and trying to make it light and airy. 

As we leaned back on the sofa and I curled my cold toes up around myself, I would laugh and tell you that I am excited to start this adventure of living out. That I am nervous about being fully dependant on myself and that we have already negotiated the mysteries of the county Durham bin collection. I would tell you that we had our first bill through the post and we officially feel like very scared adults! 

I would apologise for wittering on like this and ask you how you are? How has September been for you? I would tell you that it is always my favourite month although it is strange when everyone starts back at school and work and I am still waiting to head back to uni. You would ask me about my birthday, how kind, and I would smile broadly. I had the best day with lovely parcels from blog friends and home friends alike. The boy popped around too along with my best friend and we enjoyed an indian with my family. I was also treated to a new lens from my family. I would tell you that I felt very spoilt and very loved. 

As we mentioned my birthday I would get up and offer you two different birthday cakes. Yes, that is two. My mum insisted on packing me up with some homemade cake from home and then when I arrived in Durham my housemates put on the best surprise treasure hunt all the way around the house complete with cake at the end. So yes, two cakes and both chocolate. Diet, what diet? 

I would offer you a top up and then we would lean in close to chat about crafts and blogs and making pretty things. I would tell you that I was shocked and awed by the response to the jot article. That I feel so lucky to have had a chance to write in it and consequently have found many new people to follow. I would ask you what projects you have on the go at the moment. I would mention that I have a few things on my desk but what with setting up a new house I am feeling busy so am trying to keep it simple. I would mention that I feel guilty about  not getting around to visit many blogs recently but keep reminding myself that I have to go at my own pace. Peaks and troughs, swings and roundabouts, going with the flow may become my mantra for the year! 

Before you left I would give you a quick tour of the house. My bedroom is up two flights of stairs so yes, I am going to become very fit by the end of the year! I have a beautiful skylight in my room and I opened it early this morning to listen to the sounds of the city waking up. If you didn't gather, I am so excited to be back! 

With that we would walk slowly downstairs, lingering at the door to say goodbye. I would make you promise to come again next month and give you a big hug before you walked back down the hill, hand waving in goodbye. 

If you were meeting with me now, what would you tell me? 

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 


Sian said...

I would squeal and race up the stairs to see the attic room, because that's the one I had too. I can remember having to make a special curtain-y blind to fit the skylight. And J had to go and buy me a flatpack desk because our landlord wouldn't give us enough to go round. We had that desk for years. It's lovely to be able to share in your excitement..all the very best to all of you in your new home

Jane said...

You sound like you are going to have great fun this year xx

Prairie Jill said...

I've been reading Miriam's tea posts for a while now and enjoy them so much that I decided I had to join in, too!!

I loved seeing your little house. You are going to have so much fun there! (And maybe even do a little studying, too?!) I loved the birthday cake, too. Thank you for a lovely visit. See you again next month!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I can just feel the happy excitement in your words, Abi. I love that you have that attic space, and can't wait to hear/see how you decorate it. I know it will be fantastic.

I'm with you on being a bit behind on blog friends - and I have another busy weekend ahead of me without much room for computer time. All the best to you as you settle into your new home!!! xo

This West London Life said...

So exciting for you to have a home of your own! You and your friends are going to have an amazing time and things will happen in that small house that you will remember for years to come!
Can I have your address; I have a wee something for you?

Miriam said...

Oh Abi,You do sound excited and so you should, you will have the most amazing time in your first house. Thank you for sharing this special time with us over tea and cake(s) x

Lou said...

your new home sounds wonderfully welcoming. enjoy your time x

Susanne said...

It sounds like your new home will be sweet and fun, as well as a bit quirkly. Enjoy it. I've enjoyed catching up with you.

boysmum2 said...

Oh I love sky light windows, those are what we had in our dormitory at school, I loved waking up with the window open and the sun streaming in. I am glad you are getting settled and looking forward to hearing all your scary adult grown up moments as they happen.

Becky said...

Your house sounds wonderful, hope you have a very happy and productive time there x

Karen said...

As always, I have enjoyed my catch-up with you, and can feel your excitement at the new year and with the new house! I always loved September when I was a student, and even when I was teaching. Now it feels a bit different, but it's been a busy and full month.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Sounds like you had a lovely birthday! I envy the attic room. I always wanted one of those myself.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I think there's something very special about having a small, cozy space to call your own in your first home. So glad you found it!
Lovely to catch up with you,

alexa said...

Here is another who lived in an attic as a student - though we used to call it, Dickens-esque, the garret. Wishing you lots of happy adventures this year, Abi ... Glad to know you are surrounded by people who love and value you :).

Sinead said...

I'm so sorry I didn't get to join in with tea this month Abi, I was there in spirit, I promise! I'll be there next month for sure. Your new house seems so lovely, I'd love to really be there with you for a tour :) Glad you had a lovely birthday, you deserve it :D xxx

Anonymous said...

I can hear the excitement in your words. I wish you all the best in your new home and I'm interested to hear what you do with your own special room. Like you, I'm behind on catching up on blogs but working away at it. Good luck this year.

Lino Kosters said...

That's the beauty of having a skylight in your bedroom. It allows you to feel the morning light and helps to brighten the mood. Likewise, you could also turn to your skylight when you want to open yourself to the silence of the evening.

Lino Kosters @ Arrys Roofing

Unknown said...

You're lucky to have a skylight! I'm sure you spend time staring at your skylight thinking about stuff. Anyway, glad to hear that you enjoy your skylight in the morning as it lets in healthy sunlight. So what time of the day do you find your skylight a lot beneficial?

-Joann Winton @ AJCRoofing