We are so close to the end now that I am very determined to see this project through. Once I get down to documenting the week I love the process. With only eleven weeks left (eleven!) it is finding inspiration that is proving tricky.
I am learning that the longer I leave project life each week the harder it is to make because the memories are just not so clear. So this week I am determined to have finished the spread by Wednesday. Nothing like a deadline to get me going!
So this was week 41...
A nice mix of instagrams and big camera photos. I had a great selection from the sorting ceremony as well as snapshots through the week, including our first little dinner party.
I am missing using my big camera and am thinking I need to make more of a concerted effort to take it out with me rather than just relying on my phone.
The blog came in very handy this week. I used my simply a moment post to document the sorting as well as my twenty words for that photo of the parcel my mum sent me. I also wanted to record my thoughts on settling into studying again. The blurred out card contains journalling about a new job I have volunteering in a local school one afternoon a week. It's lovely to be back in the classroom!
I really enjoy making photos into graphics. That Harry Potter one came together really quickly. I also knew I needed a Dumbledore quote this week so pulled up the trusty chalkboard and added two simple fonts. I really like how this one has turned out.
Anything else:
Before I start a page I visit some of my favourite places for Project Life inspiration. With a notebook at my side I scribble down ideas for photo placement, text and graphics. It is nice to build a library of ideas and I hope it keeps my pages fresh and interesting.
My go to sources of inspiration are:
Elise Blaha Cripe
The creative team on the Project Life website
The blog at Paislee Press
I also gain inspiration through pinterest. I search for anything pinned from my blog, specifically project life pages. I then visit the board they have been pinned to. More often than not this is a dedicated project life board and my layout sits amongst many others. This often means that the layouts are of a similar style to my own and I in turn can gain inspiration from them just as the pinner gained inspiration from my layout!
Week 41. This book is becoming more of a reality every day.
I think at the end of your project you should make it available so that I can hold it and leaf through the pages, it is so lovely. I love all the entries this week and thanks for the links to your places for inspiration.
You've done so well to keep it going all year,Abi.
Isn't it amazing just how quickly we forget things.
I love seeing your project life pages. Mine are so way behind it's unreal. I also look through pinterest and look for bits to use, plus fave poems, places and I try to use a snapshot of the news and weather somewhere
Jo x
I'm catching up on your blog posts at the moment, and love your PL spreads. Can't believe there are only eleven weeks left in the year, unbelievable! Your book is going to be so amazing, I'm so impressed that you've stuck with the project all year. :D xxx
I like your second page especially, with the colours and the journalling, and Imam always interested in the things you do with your photo - over the overlay frame in this spread. Hoping the pace of,life is not too insane!
a labour of love that really has been worthwhile. each and every page has been so lovely to look at x
Congrats on keeping up with it so well! They look really good and thanks for those links. I'm off to check them out.
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