9 August 2014

One photo & twenty words

A little late with this meme today. The weekend rushed away with me! Always lovely though to see a few of you posting along even when there isn't a link. Thank you, thank you! 

The pleasure of homemade present giving. A quilt in the works since Christmas. What a delight to see her joy.

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 


Miss Smith said...

A great moment to capture, and it sounds like she will truly appreciate such a wonderful gift.

(And thanks for linking me up! I had pre-scheduled my post so it went up without me!)

Lea Lacoste said...

i've almost finished the scarf i'm going to give a friend soon and i just can't wait to see him open it! there's nothing like handmade!

This West London Life said...

That's a great photo to go with your words!

debs14 said...

Oh come on, let's see a photo of the finished quilt too! I bet she loved it.

scrappyjacky said...

How lovely.

Sandra said...

What a lovely moment you've captured

Barbara Eads said...

I would love to see the quilt!!

KraftyKaren said...

Hope you will show us the quilt. It is always special when someone appreciates a handmade gift

Sian said...

As I spotted the top of this photo in my Reader and then started to scroll down I thought ooh, I bet this is the quilt giving! What a wonderful present. Bet she declared it an heirloom

alexa said...

I am sure she was thrilled = the expression on her face before she sees it is full of happy expectation. What a lovely thing you you have given her ...

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a lovely moment to capture. A gift that will be treasured for sure.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Abi,
This is my first visit to your blog. I LIKE it!
Miriam told me about the 20 words meme and suggested I give it a try. Believe I will.
And I love Jesus, too!
Blessings from m & jb (aka josephina ballerina, the cat)

Maria Ontiveros said...

A lovely picture; I love this meme.

Melissa said...

What a lovely gift ... and a lucky friend.

Sheena said...

What a lovely gift x

Missus Wookie said...

Lovely present and presentation :)

Miriam said...

What a gorgeous Twenty Words Abi, Pretty please, can we see the quilt?

Lizzie said...

Oooo... only just made it! Another "Tom" photo I'm afraid. Hope it makes you smile.
Love the picture of your friend receiving her quilt - she looks so excited (did she know what it was before she opened it?)

Julia said...

Just realised I never commented on your photo Abi! So rude of me! Love the expression you have caught on your friends face and the quilt was beautiful x