28 October 2014

Time for tea update

So, hands up, who forgot their own meme this month?
Yep. That would be me.
A visit from the boy, coursework and teacher training applications somehow got in the way. I am ok with this.

So here is where I am with 'time for tea'. I LOVE it. I love what we have shared over two years as a community. I love that it is an easy update for me. I love that it is focused around tea.
On the other hand, running a meme takes time. It is so worthwhile but it is time I don't have in my final year of uni.

The sad news then is that time for tea is going to come to an end next month. There will be one last hurrah and I hope we can make it a big one. I am thinking many tea pots, many virtual cakes, maybe even lots of real ones. So mark the 27th of November in your calendars and lets gather around for reminiscing and laughing and lots of tea drinking.

The best thing I have learnt about running the 'time for tea' meme is that we all have stories to share, we all love chatting and we have such a rad community here. If I run the meme or not I don't think that will change.

Thank you to those who joined in this month linky or not. You are the best. Thank you too for all who have joined in over the two years we have been sharing a cuppa. What a joy!

P.S If you want to find me before the end of the week I will be glued to UCAS, wading through a personal statement and wondering why I wanted to become a teacher in the first place! 


ally said...
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Susanne said...

So glad to see this post, I was hoping you weren't still feeling low. Glad you are just busy. And it has been a pleasure having tea with you each month. I'll see if I can't remember to do something a little extra special next month. Thanks, Abi. You're a gem.

ally said...

Good luck with your teaching application, it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for the tea

Jane said...

I've enjoyed your meme but do understand, hope all goes well for you with the applications x

Sian said...

Very very best of luck with the applications!

It does take time to run something like this, I understand! It's been lots of fun and I bet next month will see it have a big send off

This West London Life said...

Thanks so very much for all the tea drunk over the last few years, its been marvellous!

debs14 said...

All good things must come to an end! It's been great popping in for tea all over the world, and I will definitely be back for the final visit next month.
Good luck with the applications. I highly recommend Herts & Essex High School, but then again I am biased!

Prairie Jill said...

I've really enjoyed Time for Tea! So many wonderful posts from around the world. Thank you for doing it! And good luck with your coursework and applications. I'll keep popping by to see what you're up to. And will definitely plan to join in on the final Time for Tea post next month.

Lou said...

Good luck Abi x x

Missus Wookie said...

Good luck Abi - I do understand and will look forward to the big ending next month.

Beverly said...

Sad that it will end but fully understand. Life has been full lately here and I haven't properly blogged or even read blogs in months. So glad I am catching up so I can put this final Time for Tea on my post schedule. Thanks, Abi!