16 March 2015

Me on Monday

It was a big sigh of contentment "ah, I'm home" kind of a weekend. It was a five hour train journey, embroidery and lots of reading kind of weekend. It was a laughing round the table with the family and the boy kind of weekend.

It was of course a celebrating mummy weekend, a sunday roast with Granny weekend, a Rugby watching afternoon and a chilling out kind of weekend.

And me on Monday? That looked like sitting in a pub with the boy by the log burner, enjoying scrummy food and sheltering from the decidedly un-spring-like weather.

It was the best start to a long holiday. And now, the work commences....

I'm joining in with Sian's lovely meme today. Pop on over to her blog to find out more about what she has been up to this weekend. 


Sian said...

I bet your Mum was SO pleased to see you! What a lovely weekend (and it's looking like a pretty great Monday)

Have an excellent week Abi!

debs14 said...

That was a great weekend! Good luck with the final pieces of uni work. Not long to go now!

This West London Life said...

What a lovely weekend! Fingers crossed all the work (revision?) goes well.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Good luck with that work!

alexa said...

You sound glad to be home, nestling in with your family and The Boy, and I am sure your Mum is glad to support you. I remember this pre-finals term with my daughter vividly. That studying looks very cosy ..

scrappyjacky said...

A lovely type of weekend.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the work ahead.

JO SOWERBY said...

Awww that face xxxx mine involved nestling in the arms of my duvet as I had the lurgy xxxxx
Jo xxx

Sheena said...

Sounds like a great weekend x
Good luck with the Studies.

Jane said...

sounds like the perfect weekend x

Barbara said...

Looks like a great weekend, good luck with your studies.

Susanne said...

It sounds perfectly splendid, Abi!

Alison said...

Sounds just what you neede before the serious business of studying! Xx

Miriam said...

Waving on Wednesday, hoping your week/studying is going along nicely.