9 March 2015

One photo & twenty words

Friendship. Nearly three years of it. Blessings and laugher and chatting and Downton-watching combined. Uni life at its best.

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 

Due to (undoubtedly foreseen) circumstances, I will be absent from this little place until I reach the pleasant land of home in about a week. If you need to find me till then, I am the small one in the library, with the large pile of books and the slightly manic expression. Tea is always much appreciated. (or a virtual hug if you aren't in my near vicinity)


Sian said...

You could be sisters!

Best of luck with all the work

Maggie said...

And will most likely be friends for life! Uni friends are very special.

Miriam said...

What a beautiful photo! posting mine tomorrow. Good Luck with the studying.

debs14 said...

You will have really earned your Easter break!

Ruth said...

Sian is right, sisters indeed!

Unknown said...

Friends for always, don't work too hard and look forward to those Easter holidays. :)

scrappyjacky said...

A friend for life,me thinks.

Lou said...

how lovely to have found such a great friend x

Sheena said...

Great photo of the two of you x

Anonymous said...

Yes lifelong friendships are made at Uni. Good luck with the revision and your finals.x

Maria Ontiveros said...

You're both adorable. She reminds me a bit of the young girl in the British bake off.

Sandra said...

I think you two will be friends forever

Missus Wookie said...

Good luck with the studying! What a nice photo of you both.

alexa said...

I was just about to say 'gosh, you could be sisters!' when I read Sian's comment. Lovely, smiley photo. Keep holding on to each other.

Beverly said...

(((Abi))) smiling knowing that by the time you read this it will be over and you will be relaxing at home :)