18 May 2015

Finishing well

This is my last week of studying for my undergraduate degree.
Last bits of revision, last essays to read over. Last exams.
It doesn't feel five minutes since I was here:

The final push now. Let's finish this well.

If you are inclined to do so I would really appreciate your prayers for my final two big exams on Friday and Saturday morning. Thank you. 


This West London Life said...

Hard to believe your Uni adventure is almost over! I'll be thinking of you all this week (and know that you'll do brilliantly!).

Julia said...

Good luck with it all Abi. Will be thinking of you x

Maggie said...

Good luck with your final exams. Will you be able to get everything in the car to go home?!

Sian said...

Very best of luck!

It's seems no time since you were applying. Time is speeding up..

Lizzy Hill said...

Good luck with it all & special study blessings flying their way to you from Australia :) Every bit helps, right??!!!!

scrappyjacky said...

It seems to have gone so quickly,Abi. Best of luck with the exams.

alexa said...

It seems no time to me too, Abi! Can't believe it's three years ... Wishing you every success! Are you going home before Finals? Just trying to make sense of the packed boot ...

Jane said...

I'm sure you will do well, good luck x

doris sander said...

sweet girl! of course! you're going to do great!

Susanne said...

A prayer sent up for the little hurdle of the exams and for big blessings for everything that follows when they are behind you. Good luck.

Barbara Eads said...

What an accomplishment! Good vibes and prayers coming your way for your finals!

Karen said...

It doesn't seem possible that your uni career is about over. Prayers are being offered!

Miriam said...

You are in my thoughts (and diary) especially for Friday and Saturday.
Good luck and where on earth has three years gone?

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh, sweet Abi. Look how far you've come. Yes, I am sending virtual hugs and prayers your way. I know you will do well though! xoxox!

Clare said...
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debs14 said...

Where did that time go? What a wonderful experience you have had. So this is it, the final push! Good luck Abi x

Alison said...

Good Luck Abi...in my thoughts and prayers this week xx

Missus Wookie said...

You've been in the group of students I'm holding in the light as they finish their year or time of study. Hope they go well.

Beverly said...

How perfect that having gone a few months away from Blogland I come back today, loving that I can left a prayer for you now and tomorrow for those finals!