Hi All.
Camp fun!...
Me reflected in my friends glasses! love this pic!

Firstly, I am not dead, neither am i stranded in some foreign country. I have just got back from rowing camp! Woooh. It was so amazing. We rowed on the Loir in France. No Computer, no phones, no paper! As a result I didn't find out about this weird ash cloud thing until yesterday when I promptly thanked God that I was travelling by ferry n not plane. If any of u blogging friends are stranded, I am so so sorry, sounds horrible. Lots of prayer needed for that to clear!
Anyway...This i'm afraid has to be a fairly quick post as I am shattered after a nine hour ferry journey and a three hour train journey! N I'm back to skl tomorrow! eeeek!
Flip, I had no idea that the blogging world moves so fast. Away for ten days n came back to find so many blog updates n exciting things like Shimelle's crop party that I had missed! sob sob! Anyway will share a few pics from my trip.
The weather was amazing, lovely n hot, a little bit windy but apart from that fab!
The pontoon...
The beautiful river. It is huge!!!! No chance of crashing! Thank goodness as I steer the boat!
Me n my friends in town! (yeah I'm the little one on the end!)
interesting depth of field with the boats!
will share more tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by n visiting the bag blogger that I am eeek!
Loves xxxxx
bonjour abi, comment sa va? not sure on the correct spelling but hope u get the gist! glad to hear france was amazing, weather looks fab and g8 i would imagine for rowing. shimelle's crop party goes on until tomorrow so at least u can look at ideas even if u have no time to scrapbook. have the easter hols ended now or do u have another week at home? hope to see u soon as we really must meet up this term,
Jo xxx
Hello there Abi, lovely to hear what you've been doing :-) Amazing photos as ever, especially that last one! xx
Ah, you're home at last! Lovely to hear from you again! I was wondering how you were and hoping your holiday hadn't been all revision for exams - forgot you had said you were off to a rowing camp! Glad you had a good time and I hope your back-to-school is okay tomorrow.
Yes, we've been affected by the ash cloud. Mr.G is stuck in Stockholm... doesn't know if he will be able to come home next weekend either - we will have to see what happens. And of course, if there is any doubt about getting back there, he may have to stay put, even if the flight home isn't cancelled - he can't earn his money if he can't get to work!
J. is off to France tomorrow, on a school trip to Normandy (just as you get back!). They are going on the Eurostar, so no worries about flights. His first trip away from home without a parent... he seems to be used to the idea now and is a bit excited (so am I, but I'll miss him so much!).
Have a good term.. hope we'll hear from you again very soon.
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